Zevvie: Ask clavisValedictory.

Third time's the charm!! Hopefully!!

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-- lupineLightfoot [LL] contacted clavisValedictory [CV]. --

LL: hii idk if i've already introduced myself but i'm zevvie, can i ask u a question?
CV: Hi Zevvie
CV: Yes, we've met before
LL: ok yay!
CV: What's the question?
LL: do u know anything about the the omphalos or the dark shore
CV: Color me intrigued, what are those?
LL: two names for the same thing, idt it actually has a name, that's just what we call it. it's this place in kaos--or the furthest ring i guess u guys call it--out past derse where time and space don't work right. well the omphalos is the middle of it, it's where everything from anywhere ends up eventually i guess
LL: we're trying to find out who made it
CV: Why?
LL: i mean ac probably has their reasons! they're rlly rlly smart so i don't get a lot of why they do what they do
LL: maybe they want to know how it's put together or sth?
LL: but nobody said they were the one who made it so i guess they don't know yet
CV: Hmmm
CV: Come back in a few hours and I might have an answer for you
CV: I want to see if AA can tell me anything about the furthest ring
CV: Kind of his area of specialty
LL: ok! i'll do that :]

-- lupineLightfoot [LL] disconnected. --