Zevvie: Come back in a few hours.

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-- lupineLightfoot [LL] contacted clavisValedictory [CV]. --

LL: hi! have u had a chance to talk to ur friend
CV: Oh, fuck
CV: Yeah I have
LL: is something wrong?
CV: Yeah we just learned some stuff about the thing you call the rainbow shade
CV: And it turns out the Architect got into our game session and blew up my sister's planet
LL: oh no idk who the architect is but i know the rainbow shade is bad news
LL: i should at least tell u about transcendence if u guys are in trouble!
CV: Don't worry, we're on that, you told us a while ago
CV: Probably because I'm telling you now that it's too late to do anything with that info at this point
LL: yeah i can tell u earlier!
LL: but who's the architect?? how'd they blow up a whole planet??
CV: Well I'm starting to think CC didn't actually steal this game from them, that they planned for us to come here
CV: Before our planet was... destroyed I guess, the Architect single-handedly took over the governance of every nation
CV: E had technology nobody had ever seen before, which in retrospect e obviously got from this game
CV: And none of their militaries could touch ir
CV: I'm honestly not sure how e managed to blow up a planet or why anyone would do that
CV: Thankfully my sister was on Prospit at the time, but there aren't any living witnesses
LL: woah
LL: i rlly don't know if i can help with that... i mean if there's anything i can do let me know!!
CV: You've already done plenty
CV: In fact your info about the omphalos was extremely helpful, AA and I figured out how to plot paths through the furthest ring
LL: oh yay!
LL: so does that mean ur gonna try to make the omphalos?
CV: Well... I hope it will be a long time before I actually have to enter the furthest ring, but if I need to evacuate everyone
CV: Wait
CV: Fuck again
CV: I need to go sorry

-- clavisValedictory [CV] disconnected. --

LL: oh yeah i get it!! it sounds like stuff is crazy over there!! good luck!!!