You ask the angels to take a peek at Valorosa, so you can figure out what they're doing and say hi when they're not so busy. It looks like they're driving an aethercraft, which is super awesome, toward Skaia. And... Derse?? Maybe it's in a different place in different games, you guess. You go a little further back in their timeline to when they're in their land, which seems like it's all vast spooky halls full of crumbling statues. How cool would it be if they were wolf statues and they represented uh forgotten wolf kingdoms--no, wolves don't have hands, maybe they got petrified somehow?--
No, focus, Zevvie! You have a mission.
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-- lupineLightfoot [LL] contacted concinnityValorosa [CV]. --
LL: um hi is now an ok time?
CV: I'm sorry, but I don't think we're acquainted.
LL: oh! yeah i wasn't sure if i'd ever talked to u before this haha there's time mischief going on as one of my friends put it
LL: i'm zevvie, i'm from another universe and i'm not a mydian like u. i have a couple things i'm going around and talking to all the different game sessions about!
CV: The idea that there are other sessions, not populated by mydians, raises several questions.
LL: well i'll try to answer them! but real quick do you know anything about something called the omphalos or the dark shore
CV: That's difficult to say with any certainty. This place seems to be largely comprised of dark shores.
LL: noo it's in the kaos outside the medium, past the veil and derse. or where derse usually is
CV: I can say with confidence, then, that I know nothing about that.
LL: dang ok
LL: well what questions did u have?
CV: That was a rhetorical device. I don't actually need anything from you, so if that's all I'll go.
LL: WAIT WAIT before u go i also got a mission to make sure all the game sessions know how to transcend if they want to
LL: do u know about transcendence yet, it's kinda early for u. it's like u get supeer strong with ur aspect and u can fly and heal and stuff
CV: That's extraordinarily valuable information. What are you seeking in trade?
LL: nothing! my denizen told me to tell everyone :] but i'd tell u for free anyway, it seems super useful to get strong early
CV: That makes the information more suspect, not less.
LL: well ok i guess u can decide if u want to believe me or not??
LL: all u gotta do is go find ur dreamself and touch them, then it's safe to touch ur shade and unite with it too
CV: I'll certainly look into it.
LL: ok well good luck!
CV: I'm sorry, but I don't think we're acquainted.
LL: oh! yeah i wasn't sure if i'd ever talked to u before this haha there's time mischief going on as one of my friends put it
LL: i'm zevvie, i'm from another universe and i'm not a mydian like u. i have a couple things i'm going around and talking to all the different game sessions about!
CV: The idea that there are other sessions, not populated by mydians, raises several questions.
LL: well i'll try to answer them! but real quick do you know anything about something called the omphalos or the dark shore
CV: That's difficult to say with any certainty. This place seems to be largely comprised of dark shores.
LL: noo it's in the kaos outside the medium, past the veil and derse. or where derse usually is
CV: I can say with confidence, then, that I know nothing about that.
LL: dang ok
LL: well what questions did u have?
CV: That was a rhetorical device. I don't actually need anything from you, so if that's all I'll go.
LL: WAIT WAIT before u go i also got a mission to make sure all the game sessions know how to transcend if they want to
LL: do u know about transcendence yet, it's kinda early for u. it's like u get supeer strong with ur aspect and u can fly and heal and stuff
CV: That's extraordinarily valuable information. What are you seeking in trade?
LL: nothing! my denizen told me to tell everyone :] but i'd tell u for free anyway, it seems super useful to get strong early
CV: That makes the information more suspect, not less.
LL: well ok i guess u can decide if u want to believe me or not??
LL: all u gotta do is go find ur dreamself and touch them, then it's safe to touch ur shade and unite with it too
CV: I'll certainly look into it.
LL: ok well good luck!
-- concinnityValorosa [CV] disconnected. --