Given what you're about to undertake in their company, "marks" doesn't feel quite right, but you certainly can't call them your "friends" either. Well, whatever. The important thing is they want to talk to you.
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-- catabasianLodestar [CL] contacted apocryphalCatalyst [AC]. --
CL: Good morning, or perhaps good afternoon. I don't think LA or LL is at their source interpreter yet but you usually are.
AC: leaving all the astrology to me huh
CL: You seem to like it so much, I thought it'd be a kindness.
AC: well hi you got me, what's up?
CL: What else should be up! According to your calculations--which I did check, myself--today's the only day we can all four play your strange game together. At least for the next few months. Shall we?
AC: i'd love to but i don't think it's going to happen. that's not what's written.
CL: Excuse me?
AC: i know you can read dude. i'm telling you the book of eternity says i play with zevvie first.
CL: What I don't get is how you can be the most willful person alive the rest of the time and then roll over as soon as the so-called Book of Eternity comes into it. Moreover why should you have access to the text of the certain future when the rest of us don't?
AC: maz told me
CL: Those are just dreams.
AC: i've told you they're not, and yours aren't either.
CL: And why do you have to play your part so perfectly?
AC: i have it from THE most trustworthy source that the book is true.
CL: What, you've had a divine communication from Scansis?
AC: yeah
CL: Oh, come on.
AC: i don't know why you bother asking questions if you're not gonna believe me when i answer them anyway
AC: and you clearly DO believe me that the game has real virtue since apparently you want to use it to repair the ten vessels, whatever that means
CL: It means exactly what it sounds like.
AC: ok but the vessels aren't like physical objects. i thought your whole school thing was that you repair them through mitzvas
CL: You think the Book of Eternity is a physical object.
AC: yeah because it provably is
CL: Look, I do believe that you have access to some kind of mystical power, and there are mystics who do strange things to make contact with the divine. I have my own reasons for agreeing to play with you. But I did think I'd actually be playing with you!
AC: you will, it loops around
CL: Why don't you try it? Perhaps you're reading the Book wrong. Or perhaps your will is, in fact, your own, and always has been.
AC: sure, i'm gonna ask the angels to show me the look on your face when you realize i'm right
AC: ask them for URWORLD.x and then run it.
CL: I will.
CL: An, wait a minute. One of the scholars wants to use the source interpreter.
AC: told you
CL: This proves nothing. I'll be right back.
AC: leaving all the astrology to me huh
CL: You seem to like it so much, I thought it'd be a kindness.
AC: well hi you got me, what's up?
CL: What else should be up! According to your calculations--which I did check, myself--today's the only day we can all four play your strange game together. At least for the next few months. Shall we?
AC: i'd love to but i don't think it's going to happen. that's not what's written.
CL: Excuse me?
AC: i know you can read dude. i'm telling you the book of eternity says i play with zevvie first.
CL: What I don't get is how you can be the most willful person alive the rest of the time and then roll over as soon as the so-called Book of Eternity comes into it. Moreover why should you have access to the text of the certain future when the rest of us don't?
AC: maz told me
CL: Those are just dreams.
AC: i've told you they're not, and yours aren't either.
CL: And why do you have to play your part so perfectly?
AC: i have it from THE most trustworthy source that the book is true.
CL: What, you've had a divine communication from Scansis?
AC: yeah
CL: Oh, come on.
AC: i don't know why you bother asking questions if you're not gonna believe me when i answer them anyway
AC: and you clearly DO believe me that the game has real virtue since apparently you want to use it to repair the ten vessels, whatever that means
CL: It means exactly what it sounds like.
AC: ok but the vessels aren't like physical objects. i thought your whole school thing was that you repair them through mitzvas
CL: You think the Book of Eternity is a physical object.
AC: yeah because it provably is
CL: Look, I do believe that you have access to some kind of mystical power, and there are mystics who do strange things to make contact with the divine. I have my own reasons for agreeing to play with you. But I did think I'd actually be playing with you!
AC: you will, it loops around
CL: Why don't you try it? Perhaps you're reading the Book wrong. Or perhaps your will is, in fact, your own, and always has been.
AC: sure, i'm gonna ask the angels to show me the look on your face when you realize i'm right
AC: ask them for URWORLD.x and then run it.
CL: I will.
CL: An, wait a minute. One of the scholars wants to use the source interpreter.
AC: told you
CL: This proves nothing. I'll be right back.
-- catabasianLodestar [CL] disconnected. --
AC: i won't wait up.