You ask the angels to show you Zevenzi Carver, and indeed you find them sitting at the source interpreter in their master's shop. Now you can really get this show on the road.
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-- apocryphalCatalyst [AC] contacted lupineLightfoot [LL]. --
AC: morning, zevvie
LL: :D sabbatz salaam! we just got back from morning services
LL: but i guess u knew that haha
AC: i take the utmost care in my astrological calculations.
AC: are you ready to play the game?
LL: yeah i'm excited! i still don't rlly get a lot of the stuff u said is going to happen haha but whatever it is i'm sure it'll be fun!
LL: and maybe i'll finally get to see your mysterious face :O
AC: well i'm not wearing my anti-scrying amulet today, since we wouldn't be able to play the game if i were
LL: omg
LL: can i take a peek now then...
AC: ask the angels for URWORLD.x and you'll see
AC: i've already built my part of the bridge.
LL: :D
LL: :D sabbatz salaam! we just got back from morning services
LL: but i guess u knew that haha
AC: i take the utmost care in my astrological calculations.
AC: are you ready to play the game?
LL: yeah i'm excited! i still don't rlly get a lot of the stuff u said is going to happen haha but whatever it is i'm sure it'll be fun!
LL: and maybe i'll finally get to see your mysterious face :O
AC: well i'm not wearing my anti-scrying amulet today, since we wouldn't be able to play the game if i were
LL: omg
LL: can i take a peek now then...
AC: ask the angels for URWORLD.x and you'll see
AC: i've already built my part of the bridge.
LL: :D