these the Trials of Scansis--rungs of the ladder that will lead us from the Basin of Aassiya to the Pure Light of Sfua. Thus we have only taken the first step--the Stone Moshia was revealed to the Rabik after eighty years of study and conference with angels. For the Rabik was always LV of the race of humans, but Scansis waited patiently until they could understand fully the nature of the Stone Moshia.
The Marriage of Scansis and Aassiya
In color, a moshia is like red gold. These are its virtues--it transforms vulgar substances into noble ones. It tastes like salt and satisfies hunger forever. Its polished surface shows the future as it reflects the thoughts of angels. Why then do we still eat food and walk upon dirt? The True Word sees fit to limit the amount of Stone Moshia that can exist in the universe. Its last virtue is that it is rare, for what is common has no value to common people. And true goodness in the universe is rare and must be cultivated carefully, like the flickering light of the Name that we cup in hand to guard against sudden gusts. Just as a child must stumble before they can walk, the rarest moshia is the first milestone on the path.
The next moshia will be the Water Moshia, (it's not a hierarchy) when Scansis judges we have the learning and the wisdom to use it, and we will ascend to Tsura. These are its virtues--it eradicates illness and infirmity. One drop destroys corruption in a hundredweight of water or stored goods. It can transform a thing into its mirror image (mirrored substance). It is said that one who drinks it will never thirst again, and that it multiplies light so that a candle and a vial can light a large room. After the Water Moshia is the Air Moshia, and we will ascend to Kina. Its virtues--it allows a human to fly swiftly to all corners of the world. Its sweet smell removes stenches. It forms a blade so sharp that it divides light from darkness. The final moshia is the Empty Moshia, whose virtues cannot be known to humans as we are now.
(eliminates distance & time b/t things
contains all knowledge & worlds
unity of soul)
contains all knowledge & worlds
unity of soul)
There are also those who call Angel's Liquor the Little Moshia because it combines the four elements, the four rungs on the ladder to Pure Light. However, its virtues are only for the angels. If the four elemental moshias are the rungs of the ladder, Angel's Liquor is the rail--it links each rung, and without it there would be no ladder. The guidance of angels is granted by the Name That Is, that humankind might pass the Trials of Scansis and lift ourselves to become Human Moshia. (lol)
The Marriage of Scansis and Aassiya
In the beginning when humans were created, each was a single creature with two heads, four arms, four legs, and one body. When the Name of the first human became Twofold, the creature split, so that they would not be alone--for only the Name That Is can be complete in unity. This is an echo of the division of the lesser aspects of the Source. Aassiya was divided from Tsura, Kina, and Sfua so that the cosmos would have a structure and hierarchy, and each realm has its own purpose. So too was it Aassiya's longing for companionship that called Scansis to separate from the other angels--as the soul longs for other souls, seeking its other half. And too, as the base elements of the physical world long to become moshia, so do humans long to become moshia. For the human is formed by the True Word--their named soul is formed by Aassiya--and their intellect and wisdom are formed by Scansis. Thus the human soul is elevated above the souls of stones, flowers, and beasts.
What then of the Human Moshia? Is the human not already blessed enough by Scansis and Aassiya? Yet the angels have what we do not, which is perfect knowledge and perfect obedience. The marriage of Scansis and Aassiya heralds the marriage of human and angel into a single perfect being, the true inhabitants of the Moshian Age. Thus will humans be given perfect knowledge and angels be given the spark of creation. For the child does not run in their early years, but must first stumble and begin to walk. Thus must the universe of thinking beings stumble at first, with greedy foolish humans, before scholars and sourcerors can bring them to the light of Sfua.