Like you need more crypticity in your life? But maybe Tahomaz will be--oh, hey, who's this?
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-- catabasianLodestar [CL] contacted animatedArthropology [AA]. --
CL: Hello, Pnimm. I think it's past time I introduced myself.
AA: Hi!
AA: Since you already know my name, what's yours
CL: I'm Mariyam Singer.
AA: Nice to meet you
AA: Tahomaz is really a farmer, does that mean you're a professional singer
CL: In a sense. It's a little more poetic than most surnames, it means we sing the True Word by studying and upholding it.
AA: >:O What's the True Word
CL: Goodness, you're very different now. The True Word, or the Name That Is, is the essence of the universe and the creator of everything in it. In a sense, anyway, I'll spare you the theosophy.
AA: Tahomaz said that too, that I'm different now
AA: What does that mean?
CL: You're very unguarded, and full of questions.
AA: In the future I stop asking questions??
AA: I can kind of see being less friendly if some stuff happened but not asking questions is like
AA: Did I already get ALL of the questions answered??
CL: I think it's strange as well. Do you have any plans for the near future that might change that?
AA: You know maybe I DO get all my questions answered haha
AA: I have a mysterious translation project and a mysterious map that I think is supposed to lead me to
AA: What was the phrase
AA: Secret knowledge about pasts, futures, and never-weres?
CL: What exactly are you translating?
AA: The dream-murmurings of the Dwellers Beyond Light
AA: Hehehe that's got to be the coolest sentence I have ever gotten to say legitimately
CL: Don't continue.
AA: ?
CL: Those things are nameless.
AA: Does that mean something specific? I'm confused
CL: An, how can I explain this to someone who doesn't know Ta-yra? All things have names, and are known to the angels. Named things are real, they can be referred to and understood, they're connected to other things and make up part of the stable order of reality. An unnamed thing is... not part of the natural order. There can be no information about it. There can be no safe interaction with it.
CL: I feel like I'm trying to explain why gravity goes down, or why light lets you see.
AA: Gravity goes down because objects with mass attract each other and light lets you see because you have photoreceptors in your eyes, I'm pretty sure
CL: An... What if you found an object that felt like it had weight but didn't fall toward the ground? It would be strange, anathema, it would be wrong.
AA: OK I get what you're trying to say, kind of, but that doesn't sound that dangerous just because it's not natural or normal or whatever
AA: And even if it were, in the game there's floating lighthouses and you can breathe in the void
AA: Things that would normally be dangerous aren't dangerous, you can even die and get better
AA: It's really cool! It's like a safe place to explore!
CL: An! Why am I the only one who seems to care that these nameless things pervert nature?
CL: They twist space and time, they twist the very names that make up the universe, and they will certainly twist you too. You'd do better to stay away from them.
AA: Did you find something out about them
CL: Definitionally, no. I won't risk it.
AA: Well I'll let you know when I do then, things are always less scary when you know more about them >:)
AA: Honestly I think they're a little creepy myself, and everyone seems to hate them on Derse and Prospit, but nobody has been able to tell me a good reason
AA: It seems like a reflex aversion, not a logical conclusion
CL: However it seems to you, that doesn't change the fact that they're dangerous.
CL: And anyway, you have too much else to do. You need to set things up for your successors, and that won't be at all easy.
AA: Successors?
AA: Hi!
AA: Since you already know my name, what's yours
CL: I'm Mariyam Singer.
AA: Nice to meet you
AA: Tahomaz is really a farmer, does that mean you're a professional singer
CL: In a sense. It's a little more poetic than most surnames, it means we sing the True Word by studying and upholding it.
AA: >:O What's the True Word
CL: Goodness, you're very different now. The True Word, or the Name That Is, is the essence of the universe and the creator of everything in it. In a sense, anyway, I'll spare you the theosophy.
AA: Tahomaz said that too, that I'm different now
AA: What does that mean?
CL: You're very unguarded, and full of questions.
AA: In the future I stop asking questions??
AA: I can kind of see being less friendly if some stuff happened but not asking questions is like
AA: Did I already get ALL of the questions answered??
CL: I think it's strange as well. Do you have any plans for the near future that might change that?
AA: You know maybe I DO get all my questions answered haha
AA: I have a mysterious translation project and a mysterious map that I think is supposed to lead me to
AA: What was the phrase
AA: Secret knowledge about pasts, futures, and never-weres?
CL: What exactly are you translating?
AA: The dream-murmurings of the Dwellers Beyond Light
AA: Hehehe that's got to be the coolest sentence I have ever gotten to say legitimately
CL: Don't continue.
AA: ?
CL: Those things are nameless.
AA: Does that mean something specific? I'm confused
CL: An, how can I explain this to someone who doesn't know Ta-yra? All things have names, and are known to the angels. Named things are real, they can be referred to and understood, they're connected to other things and make up part of the stable order of reality. An unnamed thing is... not part of the natural order. There can be no information about it. There can be no safe interaction with it.
CL: I feel like I'm trying to explain why gravity goes down, or why light lets you see.
AA: Gravity goes down because objects with mass attract each other and light lets you see because you have photoreceptors in your eyes, I'm pretty sure
CL: An... What if you found an object that felt like it had weight but didn't fall toward the ground? It would be strange, anathema, it would be wrong.
AA: OK I get what you're trying to say, kind of, but that doesn't sound that dangerous just because it's not natural or normal or whatever
AA: And even if it were, in the game there's floating lighthouses and you can breathe in the void
AA: Things that would normally be dangerous aren't dangerous, you can even die and get better
AA: It's really cool! It's like a safe place to explore!
CL: An! Why am I the only one who seems to care that these nameless things pervert nature?
CL: They twist space and time, they twist the very names that make up the universe, and they will certainly twist you too. You'd do better to stay away from them.
AA: Did you find something out about them
CL: Definitionally, no. I won't risk it.
AA: Well I'll let you know when I do then, things are always less scary when you know more about them >:)
AA: Honestly I think they're a little creepy myself, and everyone seems to hate them on Derse and Prospit, but nobody has been able to tell me a good reason
AA: It seems like a reflex aversion, not a logical conclusion
CL: However it seems to you, that doesn't change the fact that they're dangerous.
CL: And anyway, you have too much else to do. You need to set things up for your successors, and that won't be at all easy.
AA: Successors?