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CL: Yuwen has told you about the other Dreamers who exist before you, or alongside you?
AA: Uh no?
CL: An. Your session is repeatedly erased, repeatedly un-named. This thing that erases, the rainbow shade as we've been calling it, will continue to be created in each new session that begins, unless it is purged from the vital blood of the game. I understand that yours is the first version that has the tools for that purgation.
CL: If you succeed the next version can be played without the shade's interference.
AA: But we don't get to play it
CL: No.
AA: So where do we go
CL: According to Kuviu, you'll travel to our session.
AA: Wait can we do that
AA: We'd have to leave the game and then uhhh
AA: IDK if you know this but Mydistrata hasn't invented voidsailers
CL: You wouldn't be able to get between our sessions outside the game. As to why, it's a fascinating question, though unfortunately I haven't had time to make a study of it. No, getting between sessions would mean travelling through, or somehow past, the Furthest Ring. Something that would be infinitely more dangerous if you were in the habit of listening to the nameless things infesting that place.
AA: Well you've given me a lot to think about!
AA: Thanks for all the information I'll see what everyone else thinks about it
CL: Not really an assurance that fills me with confidence.
AA: See you later!
AA: Uh no?
CL: An. Your session is repeatedly erased, repeatedly un-named. This thing that erases, the rainbow shade as we've been calling it, will continue to be created in each new session that begins, unless it is purged from the vital blood of the game. I understand that yours is the first version that has the tools for that purgation.
CL: If you succeed the next version can be played without the shade's interference.
AA: But we don't get to play it
CL: No.
AA: So where do we go
CL: According to Kuviu, you'll travel to our session.
AA: Wait can we do that
AA: We'd have to leave the game and then uhhh
AA: IDK if you know this but Mydistrata hasn't invented voidsailers
CL: You wouldn't be able to get between our sessions outside the game. As to why, it's a fascinating question, though unfortunately I haven't had time to make a study of it. No, getting between sessions would mean travelling through, or somehow past, the Furthest Ring. Something that would be infinitely more dangerous if you were in the habit of listening to the nameless things infesting that place.
AA: Well you've given me a lot to think about!
AA: Thanks for all the information I'll see what everyone else thinks about it
CL: Not really an assurance that fills me with confidence.
AA: See you later!
-- animatedArthropology [AA] disconnected. --