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-- carvingCarrion [CC] contacted chroniclesVindication [CV]. --
CC: hi yuwen ru free 2 chat
CV: Somewhat. I got my alchemist to make me a computer that I can use hands-free. I highly recommend it.
CC: oooh cool
CC: what ru doing
CV: I'm on a quest to find my missing mapmaker. At the moment I'm following the outflow of a mystic wellspring through increasingly dangerous territory.
CC: omg same!
CC: i mean no mapmaker and its p much the same amt of danger i guess but im getting better at dodging
CC: there is a mystic wellspring tho lol
CV: Are you texting me while being attacked by monsters??
CC: mbe a lil
CV: Do you at least have your sprite with you? I don't want to be responsible for you getting hurt.
CC: well no im asleep
CC: but i wanna hang out
CV: I'm truly sorry, but I'm not sure it's safe for either of us to divide our attention.
CC: ok }:( ill try n find u tho
CV: What?
CC: were both in ur land n we both have water 2 follow
CC: mbe we can meet up!
CV: Huh...
CV: Maybe. Stay safe and we'll find out.
CC: kk!
CV: Somewhat. I got my alchemist to make me a computer that I can use hands-free. I highly recommend it.
CC: oooh cool
CC: what ru doing
CV: I'm on a quest to find my missing mapmaker. At the moment I'm following the outflow of a mystic wellspring through increasingly dangerous territory.
CC: omg same!
CC: i mean no mapmaker and its p much the same amt of danger i guess but im getting better at dodging
CC: there is a mystic wellspring tho lol
CV: Are you texting me while being attacked by monsters??
CC: mbe a lil
CV: Do you at least have your sprite with you? I don't want to be responsible for you getting hurt.
CC: well no im asleep
CC: but i wanna hang out
CV: I'm truly sorry, but I'm not sure it's safe for either of us to divide our attention.
CC: ok }:( ill try n find u tho
CV: What?
CC: were both in ur land n we both have water 2 follow
CC: mbe we can meet up!
CV: Huh...
CV: Maybe. Stay safe and we'll find out.
CC: kk!
-- chroniclesVindication [CV] disconnected. --