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-- carvingCarrion [CC] contacted vanguardAcuity [VA]. --
CC: hey aj rly important
VA: oh hey ku what's up.
CC: hi >:D
CC: ur in the veil rite
VA: I guess that's what this place is called. with all the weird gray laboratories.
VA: wait how do you know.
CC: yes! n transportalizers
CC: when u end up in a place that looks like the questing structures can u do me a big favor n leave a note 4 some1
CC: actly 2 notes
VA: so this is more of your sybilline dream stuff.
CC: yea saw it in the clouds on skaia
VA: who are you expecting?
CC: ur foster fam from prospit n then some1 from myd cuth
CC: bt the impt part is they have sth that needs 2 get sent back in time
VA: foster family?
CC: like dream u lives in their house.
VA: oh huh.
CC: also the thing is ur phone lol
VA: don't you need that. to contact us when you're asleep.
CC: yea the 1 i have is after it gets sent back in time
CC: they have the 1 that has to get sent still
CC: so can u just leave a note next 2 the lil square of dirt in the quest place 4 them 2 put it on the 2nd note ON the dirt
CC: the other note has 2 say 2 take it from derse 2 skaia
VA: why does it have to time travel though. couldn't they just hand it to me and I give it to you.
CC: then how does it get 2 the meeting hall on skaia b4 i find it
VA: ugh idk time travel is so stupid.
CC: lol
VA: I've just been informed that I created all of us and our guardians as eggs, and they're also going to be sent back in time to eventually become us.
CC: haha weird ur the queen of urworld
VA: ugh.
VA: well what are YOU doing.
CC: i just woke up! im gonna keep following the water n c where it leads! wbu
VA: I'm trying to figure out how to get to prospit. there's supposed to be a transportalizer that goes there somewhere in this place.
CC: shd be gold
VA: yeah zevvie told me
CC: y ru going 2 prospit
VA: find my dreamself and become a higher being. well, sort of, I'm researching if it's a thing and how you do it. I'll let everyone know if it works.
CC: cool!! u want 2 chat while we both explore
VA: aw sorry ku, I can't really type and walk at the same time since you have my phone.
CC: aww
CC: thats ok ill see if aa or yuwen wants 2 chat
VA: well I know pnimm's not answering my messages right now.
CC: ok ill try yuwen then
CC: cu aj!
VA: see you ku.
VA: oh hey ku what's up.
CC: hi >:D
CC: ur in the veil rite
VA: I guess that's what this place is called. with all the weird gray laboratories.
VA: wait how do you know.
CC: yes! n transportalizers
CC: when u end up in a place that looks like the questing structures can u do me a big favor n leave a note 4 some1
CC: actly 2 notes
VA: so this is more of your sybilline dream stuff.
CC: yea saw it in the clouds on skaia
VA: who are you expecting?
CC: ur foster fam from prospit n then some1 from myd cuth
CC: bt the impt part is they have sth that needs 2 get sent back in time
VA: foster family?
CC: like dream u lives in their house.
VA: oh huh.
CC: also the thing is ur phone lol
VA: don't you need that. to contact us when you're asleep.
CC: yea the 1 i have is after it gets sent back in time
CC: they have the 1 that has to get sent still
CC: so can u just leave a note next 2 the lil square of dirt in the quest place 4 them 2 put it on the 2nd note ON the dirt
CC: the other note has 2 say 2 take it from derse 2 skaia
VA: why does it have to time travel though. couldn't they just hand it to me and I give it to you.
CC: then how does it get 2 the meeting hall on skaia b4 i find it
VA: ugh idk time travel is so stupid.
CC: lol
VA: I've just been informed that I created all of us and our guardians as eggs, and they're also going to be sent back in time to eventually become us.
CC: haha weird ur the queen of urworld
VA: ugh.
VA: well what are YOU doing.
CC: i just woke up! im gonna keep following the water n c where it leads! wbu
VA: I'm trying to figure out how to get to prospit. there's supposed to be a transportalizer that goes there somewhere in this place.
CC: shd be gold
VA: yeah zevvie told me
CC: y ru going 2 prospit
VA: find my dreamself and become a higher being. well, sort of, I'm researching if it's a thing and how you do it. I'll let everyone know if it works.
CC: cool!! u want 2 chat while we both explore
VA: aw sorry ku, I can't really type and walk at the same time since you have my phone.
CC: aww
CC: thats ok ill see if aa or yuwen wants 2 chat
VA: well I know pnimm's not answering my messages right now.
CC: ok ill try yuwen then
CC: cu aj!
VA: see you ku.
-- vanguardAcuity [VA] disconnected. --