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CC: ok back from telling her she said shell do it
CL: Thank you, I'll tell you in the future--well, I suppose I don't need to, since you already know.
CC: haha what ru up 2 rn
CL: I've already done all the easy parts of the game and made my cloak very pretty, now I'm hunting down poetry to take me on one of the major quests. Since AC in their wisdom has just decided to share a courser that lets us choose when to talk to you--or maybe they just finished it, though with all the time travel going around I shouldn't think that would be a prerequisite--I took a break to fulfill one of your requests.
CC: ooh whos ac
CL: A friend more or less, a powerful sourceror, and someone who loves being mysterious a little more than is good for all of us. And that's coming from me!
CC: whats that mean
CL: As an illustrative example, we've all known them for nearly three years--call it four or five seasons--and they haven't told one of us their name.
CC: my guardian did say thats the safe way to act online
CL: Oh, your friends don't know your name either, then?
CC: well no theyre my friends of course i told them
CC: and if ur playing this game 2gether its even weirder
CL: I don't disagree! Zevenzi and Tahomaz don't seem to think it's too terribly strange, though, so I keep my mouth shut.
CL: An! Well, what are you doing?
CC: im in yuwens land trying 2 meet up w em
CC: do u know yuwen
CL: We've never spoken, but I've heard a lot about them. Sort of your session's chief scholar. They've been a treasure for providing the information that's helped us get through the game as quickly as we have.
CC: omg chief scholar i think ed love that
CC: but i still dont know that much abt u!
CL: Thank you, I'll tell you in the future--well, I suppose I don't need to, since you already know.
CC: haha what ru up 2 rn
CL: I've already done all the easy parts of the game and made my cloak very pretty, now I'm hunting down poetry to take me on one of the major quests. Since AC in their wisdom has just decided to share a courser that lets us choose when to talk to you--or maybe they just finished it, though with all the time travel going around I shouldn't think that would be a prerequisite--I took a break to fulfill one of your requests.
CC: ooh whos ac
CL: A friend more or less, a powerful sourceror, and someone who loves being mysterious a little more than is good for all of us. And that's coming from me!
CC: whats that mean
CL: As an illustrative example, we've all known them for nearly three years--call it four or five seasons--and they haven't told one of us their name.
CC: my guardian did say thats the safe way to act online
CL: Oh, your friends don't know your name either, then?
CC: well no theyre my friends of course i told them
CC: and if ur playing this game 2gether its even weirder
CL: I don't disagree! Zevenzi and Tahomaz don't seem to think it's too terribly strange, though, so I keep my mouth shut.
CL: An! Well, what are you doing?
CC: im in yuwens land trying 2 meet up w em
CC: do u know yuwen
CL: We've never spoken, but I've heard a lot about them. Sort of your session's chief scholar. They've been a treasure for providing the information that's helped us get through the game as quickly as we have.
CC: omg chief scholar i think ed love that
CC: but i still dont know that much abt u!