You wake to the sound of Ajact's phone buzzing. One of your friends wants to say hi!
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-- catabasianLodestar [CL] contacted carvingCarrion [CC]. --
CL: Missive for you--
....CC: thats the time ajs going 2 the veil can u get me to ask her 2 put the note
....CC: her fams coming p soon n i dont have time 2 get 2 the veil
....CC: thx
....CC: also ps past ku b nice 2 mari
CL: Hmm, I suppose it was too much to ask for it to be pretty.
CC: omg
CC: r u mari
CL: My name is Mariyam Singer, but some friends call me Mari.
CC: nice 2 meet u, im kuviu ambrac but some friends call me ku!
CL: I couldn't be more pleased to finally meet you, Kuviu, in a manner of speaking, anyway. But I understand that your message to your friend is time-sensitive. You know what the missive from your future refers to?
CC: yea! i saw a cloud vision abt it
CC: lme talk 2 her
....CC: thats the time ajs going 2 the veil can u get me to ask her 2 put the note
....CC: her fams coming p soon n i dont have time 2 get 2 the veil
....CC: thx
....CC: also ps past ku b nice 2 mari
CL: Hmm, I suppose it was too much to ask for it to be pretty.
CC: omg
CC: r u mari
CL: My name is Mariyam Singer, but some friends call me Mari.
CC: nice 2 meet u, im kuviu ambrac but some friends call me ku!
CL: I couldn't be more pleased to finally meet you, Kuviu, in a manner of speaking, anyway. But I understand that your message to your friend is time-sensitive. You know what the missive from your future refers to?
CC: yea! i saw a cloud vision abt it
CC: lme talk 2 her