You feel kind of bad. Mocking Yuwen is fun but it's making Lightfoot act like a wet rabbat. And you're in a weird mood right now that's making you feel extra guilty.
Stupid dreams.
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VA: look I'm sorry. it's just kind of a thing we do. shit's weird right now.
VA: I had some fucked up dreams.
LL: it's ok!
LL: ohh ugh yeah :[ it's rough before u wake up. i'm guessing you didn't?
VA: man I don't know. I felt pretty awake.
LL: were u in a golden/purple city?
VA: not really? I'm not sure where I was except there was a really long ladder and a horrible thing that was on fire that killed all my friends.
LL: prob just normal bad dreams then....
LL: wait was the fire rainbow colored
VA: yes. why.
LL: hmm ok idk if you're sposed to have prophetic dreams if ur not awake?? (dreaming-awake lol) but that thing is real
VA: you're saying that might be the future.
LL: well i can check! i'll go to the end of one of their timelines and look
LL: ok it doesn't look like they get killed by the shade thing
VA: what do you mean when you say the end of their timelines. do you mean you can see when they'll die.
LL: noooo it's p much impossible to die in this game unless ur session is super messed up. like more messed up than urs is. well kinda. but i don't think the shade thing could KILL you permanently?
LL: uhh ur timlines just end when u get out of reach of ac's courser, which i guess is u leaving ur session?
VA: is there any chance they could get hurt after the timeline ends?
LL: well anything could happen pretty much
VA: shit.
VA: sorry I just.
VA: ugh
VA: that dream messed with my head. all the enemies are so easy but I feel like something way worse is coming. I feel like I'm not going to be strong enough.
LL: i'm sorry :[
LL: i can give you a tip if it'll make u feel better, it's a kind of cheap way of getting strong fast
LL: usually yiu'd have to solve a bunch of riddles to even find out about transcendence but we got a hint bc ac knows basically everything!
VA: what's transcendence?
LL: it would NOT mean anything to u if i said it's kinda this game's version of human moshia huh
VA: absolutely nothing.
LL: umm ok it's like
LL: well it makes u be able to fly and use yr aspect rlly well and it's basically impossible for u to die but in kind of a different way than before
LL: hang on lemme find how ac explained it to us
LL: Transcendence creates URWORLD's 'perfect version' of the Dreamer. They no longer lose anything when they die, and all three components of their selfhood are united, making them what Villid would call an integrated psyche. They have access to all movement upgrades, plus flight. Moreover, it grants a strong intuition for their Aspect and instantly raises all of their stats, making them formidable, though not invincible. For instance, as a result of quests in their land the Dreamer of Stone gains discrete abilities such as defense buffs, stone incarnation, and autotargeting, but a transcended Dreamer of Stone can improvise their own abilities related to the Stone domain, such as creating metaphysical 'anchors' or weaving matter essentially ex nihilo. As far as I've been able to tell the only difference between half-transcendence and full transcendence is the addition of supernatural healing, although we haven't been able to test it in detail for obvious reasons.
VA: is that fucking yuwen.
LL: uh now that you mention it probly yeah! i kinda assumed it was from a manual lol
LL: would explain why the example was an aspect nobody in our session has lol. and why they're using "dreamer" as a title which is i guess what the game calls u guys
LL: anyway transcending makes u super strong! and it sounds like u guys all do it maybe? so that would be rlly good for staying safe and stuff
LL: cl and i are actually about to do the quest where we find out exactly how u do it but since we have the time thingy i can just tell u as soon as we do! all i know rn is that one of the things you have to do is find your dreamself so u can unite with them
LL: so u prob want to work on finding transportalizers and stuff that go to other parts of the medium so u can get to ur dream moon
VA: this is really cool of you. thanks, zevvie.
LL: :D
LL: well mari's here so i gotta go but hopefully you'll hear from me soon!
VA: I had some fucked up dreams.
LL: it's ok!
LL: ohh ugh yeah :[ it's rough before u wake up. i'm guessing you didn't?
VA: man I don't know. I felt pretty awake.
LL: were u in a golden/purple city?
VA: not really? I'm not sure where I was except there was a really long ladder and a horrible thing that was on fire that killed all my friends.
LL: prob just normal bad dreams then....
LL: wait was the fire rainbow colored
VA: yes. why.
LL: hmm ok idk if you're sposed to have prophetic dreams if ur not awake?? (dreaming-awake lol) but that thing is real
VA: you're saying that might be the future.
LL: well i can check! i'll go to the end of one of their timelines and look
LL: ok it doesn't look like they get killed by the shade thing
VA: what do you mean when you say the end of their timelines. do you mean you can see when they'll die.
LL: noooo it's p much impossible to die in this game unless ur session is super messed up. like more messed up than urs is. well kinda. but i don't think the shade thing could KILL you permanently?
LL: uhh ur timlines just end when u get out of reach of ac's courser, which i guess is u leaving ur session?
VA: is there any chance they could get hurt after the timeline ends?
LL: well anything could happen pretty much
VA: shit.
VA: sorry I just.
VA: ugh
VA: that dream messed with my head. all the enemies are so easy but I feel like something way worse is coming. I feel like I'm not going to be strong enough.
LL: i'm sorry :[
LL: i can give you a tip if it'll make u feel better, it's a kind of cheap way of getting strong fast
LL: usually yiu'd have to solve a bunch of riddles to even find out about transcendence but we got a hint bc ac knows basically everything!
VA: what's transcendence?
LL: it would NOT mean anything to u if i said it's kinda this game's version of human moshia huh
VA: absolutely nothing.
LL: umm ok it's like
LL: well it makes u be able to fly and use yr aspect rlly well and it's basically impossible for u to die but in kind of a different way than before
LL: hang on lemme find how ac explained it to us
LL: Transcendence creates URWORLD's 'perfect version' of the Dreamer. They no longer lose anything when they die, and all three components of their selfhood are united, making them what Villid would call an integrated psyche. They have access to all movement upgrades, plus flight. Moreover, it grants a strong intuition for their Aspect and instantly raises all of their stats, making them formidable, though not invincible. For instance, as a result of quests in their land the Dreamer of Stone gains discrete abilities such as defense buffs, stone incarnation, and autotargeting, but a transcended Dreamer of Stone can improvise their own abilities related to the Stone domain, such as creating metaphysical 'anchors' or weaving matter essentially ex nihilo. As far as I've been able to tell the only difference between half-transcendence and full transcendence is the addition of supernatural healing, although we haven't been able to test it in detail for obvious reasons.
VA: is that fucking yuwen.
LL: uh now that you mention it probly yeah! i kinda assumed it was from a manual lol
LL: would explain why the example was an aspect nobody in our session has lol. and why they're using "dreamer" as a title which is i guess what the game calls u guys
LL: anyway transcending makes u super strong! and it sounds like u guys all do it maybe? so that would be rlly good for staying safe and stuff
LL: cl and i are actually about to do the quest where we find out exactly how u do it but since we have the time thingy i can just tell u as soon as we do! all i know rn is that one of the things you have to do is find your dreamself so u can unite with them
LL: so u prob want to work on finding transportalizers and stuff that go to other parts of the medium so u can get to ur dream moon
VA: this is really cool of you. thanks, zevvie.
LL: :D
LL: well mari's here so i gotta go but hopefully you'll hear from me soon!
-- lupineLightfoot [LL] disconnected. --