You're raring to find out who's the Dreamer of Vaguely Defined Spooky And Hard To Talk About Stuff and ask them about some vaguely defined spooky and hard to talk about linguistics that you remember dreaming about. Step one, obviously, is to find out if any of your friends already know anything. Oh, and say hi to Ajact.
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-- vanguardAcuity [VA] contacted animatedArthropology [AA]. --
VA: hey p are you up yet.
AA: I just woke up, what's up
VA: nothing. I was just wondering.
VA: I mean some stuff is up but I want to confirm a few things before I tell everyone.
AA: Ooh mysterious
VA: are you going down into your land now?
AA: Yeah after I, well, I have some things to confirm too!
AA: I learned a lot while I was asleep
AA: I don't remember all of it but I know I have dream notes
VA: ok cool. I'm probably going to be afk for a while but thanks for updating me. stay safe.
AA: You too!
AA: I just woke up, what's up
VA: nothing. I was just wondering.
VA: I mean some stuff is up but I want to confirm a few things before I tell everyone.
AA: Ooh mysterious
VA: are you going down into your land now?
AA: Yeah after I, well, I have some things to confirm too!
AA: I learned a lot while I was asleep
AA: I don't remember all of it but I know I have dream notes
VA: ok cool. I'm probably going to be afk for a while but thanks for updating me. stay safe.
AA: You too!
-- vanguardAcuity [VA] disconnected. --
-- animatedArthropology [AA] rejoined HI EVERYONE!!. --
AA: Woah, I have a LOT of messages to catch up on
CC: pnim!!
AA: Hi Ku!
AA: I'm going to read them all at some point but for now I'll just ask you guys directly
AA: Does anyone know about... dang it what were they called, sort of like domains or elements we get?
CV: Aspects?
AA: Yes! Does anyone know what they all are?
CV: Mine is Stone and Ajact's is Wind. Based on the fact that our lands seem to have an environmental element that corresponds to our Aspects, I'm guessing that Kuviu's is Water.
CC: ooh cool that makes sens
CV: Learning to use our Aspects is partly direct manipulation of the physical element, but also partly a metaphorical or metaphysical endeavor.
AA: Aw man
AA: I have questions for the last Dreamer but I guess I have to just find out the hard way cause it's me
CC: what does that mean
CC: @yuwen
CV: To give an example, one of the abilities I've gained through questing in my land is autotargeting, which, based on information from the inhabitants, is related to the Stone Aspect's domain of "certainty."
CC: ohh
AA: Well, that kinda makes sense... the last Aspect doesn't seem like it has that many domains that AREN'T metaphysical
CV: Why, what is it?
AA: I don't know
CC: lol
AA: I think the fact that I don't know (and nobody else I've asked does either) is kind of one of its domains
AA: I should start at the beginning!
AA: First of all, Ku's advice worked great! I managed to wake up on Derse's moon and I met a bunch of cool people
AA: There was a party
CC: sounds like a lot of fun!
AA: It was pretty cool
CC: i think i used 2 go 2 a lot of parties 2
CC: idr why i stopped
AA: Did it have anything to do with the assassins that apparently have a divinely ordained mission to kill us
CC: oh yea!!
CV: The what.
CC: yea i got 2 well known around prospit n they started trying 2 kill me a lot
CC: like a lot a lot
CC: thats why i went 2 skaia 2 lie lo
AA: Oh no }:(
AA: You really can't catch a break
CV: I heard from one of the players in the other session that waking your dreaming self tends to involve facing psychological blocks, or something similar.
AA: Uhhh
CC: wait theres more of them
CV: Pnimm, you should really backread when you have time. In summary, Ajact was contacted by another player who gave her tips for this game, which she shared with us. A few minutes ago I was contacted by one of their confederates, who gave me some advice about dreaming that they claimed to have received from Kuviu, in his future but in their past.
AA: Woah
AA: Is time travel... real??
CC: even more susp!!
CV: It doesn't seem to be time travel as much as compensation for a time mismatch between... star systems? Realities?
CC: ok i dont rly understand this n we shd prob talk abt this v susp person bt i wanna kno what happened on derse
AA: Oh yeah
AA: I found this cool place called the Observatory where they watch and listen to these huge creatures (I mean, I guess they're creatures) outside the Skaia system, apparently they sort of give sybilline info but not just for this universe, also for other universes or timelines or something
AA: It sounds incredibly cool but nobody really understands the language they speak any more
CC: im p sure ive heard that place is bad news
AA: A ton of people said that but nobody had any good reason
AA: They just thought it was creepy or thought the Dwellers were lying or whatever
AA: Did you hear any actual reasons?
CC: ugh idr its so frustr i cant remember most of my dreams
CC: but ppl sounded like it was for real dangerous
CV: It sounds like, similar to the players from the other session (they call themselves Amdaians apparently), we should seek out more information but be cautious in how we use it.
AA: Well said Yuwen!
AA: Anyway the guy who used to run the Observatory left and their notes don't make a ton of sense, but the new head researcher said it might genuinely be for magic reasons and the Dreamer associated with the fourth Aspect might be able to figure it out
AA: But since that's me and nobody knows anything about it yet, it sounds like I have to find out on my own
CV: Neither of you has had the chance to explore your lands yet, but it's quite intuitive. If you talk to the NPCs and do the quests you're presented with, you should learn about your Aspect fairly quickly. I've only played for a few hours but I already have two abilities and a cloak upgrade.
AA: Cool!
CV: Oh, before you go--I know Ajact and Kuviu both have weapons, but have you assigned a kind abstratus to your strife specibus?
AA: No, I'm a nurse and I live in a city where the most dangerous animal is the subway train
AA: Lived, I guess
CV: Indeed. That's no longer true.
CC: idk if u shd try 2 fite pnimm
CC: the monsters r crazy strong
CC: i cdnt even hit 1
CV: I don't think that's true if you enter your land from the conventional direction. I have no combat experience and even I've managed to kill a few.
CC: oh huh ok that makes sense
AA: Wait but I can't use a weapon
CV: That's what a strife specibus is for. It gives you a degree of automatic proficiency. Trust me, I didn't think I could use a weapon either.
AA: Hmmm
AA: What did you pick Yuwen
CV: I would have preferred something easier to use, but I ended up assigning chainsawkind.
CC: omg
CV: Yes, well, as I said it wasn't my first choice.
AA: Haha OK I'll go see if I have anything and be right back
CC: pnim!!
AA: Hi Ku!
AA: I'm going to read them all at some point but for now I'll just ask you guys directly
AA: Does anyone know about... dang it what were they called, sort of like domains or elements we get?
CV: Aspects?
AA: Yes! Does anyone know what they all are?
CV: Mine is Stone and Ajact's is Wind. Based on the fact that our lands seem to have an environmental element that corresponds to our Aspects, I'm guessing that Kuviu's is Water.
CC: ooh cool that makes sens
CV: Learning to use our Aspects is partly direct manipulation of the physical element, but also partly a metaphorical or metaphysical endeavor.
AA: Aw man
AA: I have questions for the last Dreamer but I guess I have to just find out the hard way cause it's me
CC: what does that mean
CC: @yuwen
CV: To give an example, one of the abilities I've gained through questing in my land is autotargeting, which, based on information from the inhabitants, is related to the Stone Aspect's domain of "certainty."
CC: ohh
AA: Well, that kinda makes sense... the last Aspect doesn't seem like it has that many domains that AREN'T metaphysical
CV: Why, what is it?
AA: I don't know
CC: lol
AA: I think the fact that I don't know (and nobody else I've asked does either) is kind of one of its domains
AA: I should start at the beginning!
AA: First of all, Ku's advice worked great! I managed to wake up on Derse's moon and I met a bunch of cool people
AA: There was a party
CC: sounds like a lot of fun!
AA: It was pretty cool
CC: i think i used 2 go 2 a lot of parties 2
CC: idr why i stopped
AA: Did it have anything to do with the assassins that apparently have a divinely ordained mission to kill us
CC: oh yea!!
CV: The what.
CC: yea i got 2 well known around prospit n they started trying 2 kill me a lot
CC: like a lot a lot
CC: thats why i went 2 skaia 2 lie lo
AA: Oh no }:(
AA: You really can't catch a break
CV: I heard from one of the players in the other session that waking your dreaming self tends to involve facing psychological blocks, or something similar.
AA: Uhhh
CC: wait theres more of them
CV: Pnimm, you should really backread when you have time. In summary, Ajact was contacted by another player who gave her tips for this game, which she shared with us. A few minutes ago I was contacted by one of their confederates, who gave me some advice about dreaming that they claimed to have received from Kuviu, in his future but in their past.
AA: Woah
AA: Is time travel... real??
CC: even more susp!!
CV: It doesn't seem to be time travel as much as compensation for a time mismatch between... star systems? Realities?
CC: ok i dont rly understand this n we shd prob talk abt this v susp person bt i wanna kno what happened on derse
AA: Oh yeah
AA: I found this cool place called the Observatory where they watch and listen to these huge creatures (I mean, I guess they're creatures) outside the Skaia system, apparently they sort of give sybilline info but not just for this universe, also for other universes or timelines or something
AA: It sounds incredibly cool but nobody really understands the language they speak any more
CC: im p sure ive heard that place is bad news
AA: A ton of people said that but nobody had any good reason
AA: They just thought it was creepy or thought the Dwellers were lying or whatever
AA: Did you hear any actual reasons?
CC: ugh idr its so frustr i cant remember most of my dreams
CC: but ppl sounded like it was for real dangerous
CV: It sounds like, similar to the players from the other session (they call themselves Amdaians apparently), we should seek out more information but be cautious in how we use it.
AA: Well said Yuwen!
AA: Anyway the guy who used to run the Observatory left and their notes don't make a ton of sense, but the new head researcher said it might genuinely be for magic reasons and the Dreamer associated with the fourth Aspect might be able to figure it out
AA: But since that's me and nobody knows anything about it yet, it sounds like I have to find out on my own
CV: Neither of you has had the chance to explore your lands yet, but it's quite intuitive. If you talk to the NPCs and do the quests you're presented with, you should learn about your Aspect fairly quickly. I've only played for a few hours but I already have two abilities and a cloak upgrade.
AA: Cool!
CV: Oh, before you go--I know Ajact and Kuviu both have weapons, but have you assigned a kind abstratus to your strife specibus?
AA: No, I'm a nurse and I live in a city where the most dangerous animal is the subway train
AA: Lived, I guess
CV: Indeed. That's no longer true.
CC: idk if u shd try 2 fite pnimm
CC: the monsters r crazy strong
CC: i cdnt even hit 1
CV: I don't think that's true if you enter your land from the conventional direction. I have no combat experience and even I've managed to kill a few.
CC: oh huh ok that makes sense
AA: Wait but I can't use a weapon
CV: That's what a strife specibus is for. It gives you a degree of automatic proficiency. Trust me, I didn't think I could use a weapon either.
AA: Hmmm
AA: What did you pick Yuwen
CV: I would have preferred something easier to use, but I ended up assigning chainsawkind.
CC: omg
CV: Yes, well, as I said it wasn't my first choice.
AA: Haha OK I'll go see if I have anything and be right back