You are once again AJACT KRADIK, and you just had the worst sleep of your fucking life. And that's saying something, because you've been having nightmares every time you take a nap for a solid month. You don't really remember your dreams, but you do have the awful feeling that something's happened to your friends. And that it's probably your fault.
You go to send a couple messages to make sure they're okay. Well, it seems like Kuviu and Yuwen are fine. For once Kuviu was the early bird of your party. You do a little backreading to catch up on the group chat.
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-- vanguardAcuity [VA] contacted animatedArthropology [AA]. --
VA: hey p are you up yet.
-- carvingCarrion [CC] reopened HI EVERYONE!!. --
CC: im awake again! i went 2 sleep in a place w brown rusty rocks n little lamps so hopefully that means my games saved
CC: but im p sure the 1st place i was was my land!! the rocks r the same n it kinda smells the same i think
CC: kinda salty
CC: so im going 2 try 2 find where i was while i ws dreaming n i think i could get 2 skaia frm there
CC: i can make a map!
CC: maaann i hope u all wake up soon
CV: Allow me to grant your wish. The repeated chiming of my computer receiving your messages acted as an alarm. Hello.
CC: >:D hi yuwen!
CC: is any1 else up
CV: I can't answer that question, but I can say it sounds like you're in the Land of Bedrock and Rust. In your dreaming body, that is. Did you find one of the seven gates in your land?
CC: umm no i just kept walking along the canal thing and suddenly there was a bunch of monsters and it was brown
CC: i rly hope they dont attack me while im sleeping
CV: It sounds like somehow you travelled directly from your planet to mine, underground. I suppose that, since this is a game, space doesn't need to conform to conventional geometry.
VA: nah according to lightfoot napcasket rooms kind of repel them.
VA: hi.
CV: Lightfoot?
VA: that's the weirdo who told me all that stuff.
CV: What a strange name.
VA: oh it's not ir name, it's just part of ir username.
CV: May I have ir username, then? Now that I'm better rested I'd like to ask some questions myself.
VA: uhhh I mean you can try, it's lupineLightfoot. but if the time travel thing is real you'll contact em at the moment e sets up ir chat client or something. I'll ask em to message you hold on.
CC: wait who is this person tho
VA: idk e claims to speak a language I've never heard of and be from a different planet. still not sure if it's a bit. says ir name is zevvie and e messaged me bc e was lonely.
CC: }:\
VA: what, ku.
CC: doesnt that seem susp 2 u??
VA: well duh. but it's not like e's tried to get any info out of me or told me to do anything for em. so far all that's happened is e's given us a bunch of useful info about how to play the game. sure, be cautious, but that's no reason to avoid em completely.
CC: }:\\\\\
CV: I'll be careful, Kuviu. And I'm sure Ajact is sufficiently paranoid for your liking.
CC: well i dont like it but ok get some secrets out of em
VA: is pnimm ok though. ze went to sleep before any of us and ze's still not up.
CC: aw ze mustve been rly tired
CV: Ze appears to be fine in my server window, just sleeping.
VA: ok cool.
CC: oh whew
CC: mb its just hard 4 zir 2 wake up bc zir dreamself is doing stuff!
CV: I hope so. I wasn't able to wake my dreaming self... I still don't understand what it means to open one's heart to dreaming. Ajact?
VA: uh yeah no my dreams were super normal. totally regular.
CC: but im p sure the 1st place i was was my land!! the rocks r the same n it kinda smells the same i think
CC: kinda salty
CC: so im going 2 try 2 find where i was while i ws dreaming n i think i could get 2 skaia frm there
CC: i can make a map!
CC: maaann i hope u all wake up soon
CV: Allow me to grant your wish. The repeated chiming of my computer receiving your messages acted as an alarm. Hello.
CC: >:D hi yuwen!
CC: is any1 else up
CV: I can't answer that question, but I can say it sounds like you're in the Land of Bedrock and Rust. In your dreaming body, that is. Did you find one of the seven gates in your land?
CC: umm no i just kept walking along the canal thing and suddenly there was a bunch of monsters and it was brown
CC: i rly hope they dont attack me while im sleeping
CV: It sounds like somehow you travelled directly from your planet to mine, underground. I suppose that, since this is a game, space doesn't need to conform to conventional geometry.
VA: nah according to lightfoot napcasket rooms kind of repel them.
VA: hi.
CV: Lightfoot?
VA: that's the weirdo who told me all that stuff.
CV: What a strange name.
VA: oh it's not ir name, it's just part of ir username.
CV: May I have ir username, then? Now that I'm better rested I'd like to ask some questions myself.
VA: uhhh I mean you can try, it's lupineLightfoot. but if the time travel thing is real you'll contact em at the moment e sets up ir chat client or something. I'll ask em to message you hold on.
CC: wait who is this person tho
VA: idk e claims to speak a language I've never heard of and be from a different planet. still not sure if it's a bit. says ir name is zevvie and e messaged me bc e was lonely.
CC: }:\
VA: what, ku.
CC: doesnt that seem susp 2 u??
VA: well duh. but it's not like e's tried to get any info out of me or told me to do anything for em. so far all that's happened is e's given us a bunch of useful info about how to play the game. sure, be cautious, but that's no reason to avoid em completely.
CC: }:\\\\\
CV: I'll be careful, Kuviu. And I'm sure Ajact is sufficiently paranoid for your liking.
CC: well i dont like it but ok get some secrets out of em
VA: is pnimm ok though. ze went to sleep before any of us and ze's still not up.
CC: aw ze mustve been rly tired
CV: Ze appears to be fine in my server window, just sleeping.
VA: ok cool.
CC: oh whew
CC: mb its just hard 4 zir 2 wake up bc zir dreamself is doing stuff!
CV: I hope so. I wasn't able to wake my dreaming self... I still don't understand what it means to open one's heart to dreaming. Ajact?
VA: uh yeah no my dreams were super normal. totally regular.