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-- vanguardAcuity [VA] contacted lupineLightfoot [LL]. --
VA: hey one of the people from my session wants to talk to you. chroniclesVindication.
LL: omg about what
VA: e said e has questions. no social graces though so prepare for a weirdo interrogation.
LL: :\ aren't they your friend?
VA: no e's just my neighbor. I wouldn't have invited em but my friends happened to know em and we needed another player.
LL: :[
VA: e's really annoying!!
LL: ok i'll go say hi...
LL: omg about what
VA: e said e has questions. no social graces though so prepare for a weirdo interrogation.
LL: :\ aren't they your friend?
VA: no e's just my neighbor. I wouldn't have invited em but my friends happened to know em and we needed another player.
LL: :[
VA: e's really annoying!!
LL: ok i'll go say hi...