Apoc: Oh shit look out!!!

Was there--? No, you're probably just feeling paranoid. Maybe because you're actively concealing from Zevvie the fact that they're going to get Ajact killed. And that you're going to help them kill her. All because you trust your future self more than you care about Zevvie's feelings. But look, Zevvie will have their whole life to get over it, and it's already happened, so there's nothing you can do about it now. In a sense, you *can't* tell Zevvie, because that would cause them to change what they'll do. Yeah.

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LL: if no one got hurt how could we hate you for it?
AC: ...
AC: i'm the reason all of you met. i know you're going to say that's a good thing, but i did it because you were all fated to play this game with me. i've spent 3 years doing everything i could to make you better players, just to get my hands on the ultimate reward.
LL: ok i can see how mari would totally freak out if u told them that
LL: but it's not like ur not actually our friend just bc u wanted our help with something when we met!
AC: am i? how do you know?
LL: apoc ur being silly
LL: this might sound kinda mean but sometimes when ur being like "i'm super mysterious i'm hiding my motivations sooo well" i can totally tell
AC: yeah people love that one
LL: ?
AC: the most fucked up thing is now we don't even get the so-called ultimate reward
LL: what? why not? i thought we were almost there?
AC: because there isn't one. it's a mirage, a poisoned cup, a fucking clipa. i did all this to you for nothing.
LL: ok well i don't think it's been that bad tho? like u didn't make the stars fall and kill all those ppl, u just saved us. and this game is pretty fun!
AC: i know how miserable you've been for the past week.
LL: yeah but i'm better now! sometimes bad things happen, but good things can still happen after that! i rlly don't think any of this is as bad as u think it is
LL: um and i know that's kinda annoying to hear when ur upset but i think it's also true?
AC: maybe.