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CL: Well, as I said before, not everyone believes the Vessels can be physically located and repaired, that they may exist in a domain outside what we can access. But here we are in a domain where it almost seems the allegorical is real. As of now I haven't been able to find them, but I believe there may be a way to reveal them.
CC: so if most ppl think u cant actly get 2 them y do u think u can
CC: and like what abt my universe does that have vessels 2 even tho ppl dont know abt the idea
CL: To answer your first question, I try to take a literal approach to reading scripture and commentary. The Ybysal experienced a divine revelation, which is to say true knowledge delivered directly by angels, and saw that the Vessels exist. I simply take them at their precise word.
CC: wait bt u think dreams r from angels 2 rite
CC: doesnt that make ur friends skaia dreams also trustworthy angel knowledge
CL: I... suppose so.
CL: But it's knowledge of future events, not knowledge of the structure of the cosmos. Humans shouldn't be capable of grasping such knowledge.
CC: idk humans also shdnt b able 2 teleport into a teeny universe where how tuff u r is a number that goes up when u eat the rite mushroom
CL: As always you have a way of cutting to the heart of the matter.
CL: I suppose I believe there's more information to be comprehended. The idea that our futures are written in stone contradicts thousands of years of scholarship from the most brilliant and divinely inspired minds of humankind.
CC: thats fair i guess
CC: i still dont understand most of what goes on in the mydium lol
CL: ...As to your second question, it's a fascinating one. We've always understood the universe to be the totality of existence, created and constituted by the Name That Is exactly as it exists. However, it's not unique at all. Or rather, what we perceived to be the universe is only one mote in a myriad belonging to the true universe. Perhaps it's pure ego to assume that the celestial machinery should be attached to our mote in particular.
CC: if ur talking abt places outside all universes
CC: or what weve bn calling universes i guess
CC: that wd have 2 b in the furthest ring
CL: That's not a prospect I relish, and I hope you're wrong.
CC: yea it kinda sucks here
CC: my path of least resistance thing
CC: thats what yuwen calls it
CC: it makes sure we dont ever hit the things here but we pass rly close sumtimes n its super creepy
CC: distance doesnt work normal here n theres a lot of space btwn them but theyre so big they almost completely fill every amt of space
CL: I can't imagine being immersed in Kaos, waking and sleeping, for weeks. The whispering must drive you mad.
CC: whispering?
CL: You don't hear it?
CC: i guess theres like a sound i can almost hear bt not quite
CC: like its 2 lo pitch 2 hear
CC: i didnt even notice it til u said that bt its crazy u hear it half the time when u sleep
CL: I certainly felt like I was going mad when I was younger. It was almost a relief to find that it had a definite source.
CC: o b4 i 4get
CC: hows zevvie in ur rite now
CC: ive bn hanging out w them in ur future bt it seemed like they were rly down a lot of the time
CL: Ah... They parted ways with AC a week or so ago to catch up on their own quests. I suppose they've been a bit quiet when all four of us are writing together. I'll see if they want me to travel with them for a while. Thank you for looking out for them, Kuviu.
CC: yea
CC: i think mbe if we paid more attention 2 pnimm ze wdnt have disappeared
CC: i still hope we cn find zir evently bt idk how bc i think zes sumwhere in the furthest ring 2
CC: im already not sure how we cn navigate 2 ur session w/o zir
CL: I'm not even sure how you intend to move through Kaos once you've reached the Omphalos, let alone chart a course.
CC: haha ud have 2 ask yuwen abt that 1
CC: im just getting us halfway there
CC: so if most ppl think u cant actly get 2 them y do u think u can
CC: and like what abt my universe does that have vessels 2 even tho ppl dont know abt the idea
CL: To answer your first question, I try to take a literal approach to reading scripture and commentary. The Ybysal experienced a divine revelation, which is to say true knowledge delivered directly by angels, and saw that the Vessels exist. I simply take them at their precise word.
CC: wait bt u think dreams r from angels 2 rite
CC: doesnt that make ur friends skaia dreams also trustworthy angel knowledge
CL: I... suppose so.
CL: But it's knowledge of future events, not knowledge of the structure of the cosmos. Humans shouldn't be capable of grasping such knowledge.
CC: idk humans also shdnt b able 2 teleport into a teeny universe where how tuff u r is a number that goes up when u eat the rite mushroom
CL: As always you have a way of cutting to the heart of the matter.
CL: I suppose I believe there's more information to be comprehended. The idea that our futures are written in stone contradicts thousands of years of scholarship from the most brilliant and divinely inspired minds of humankind.
CC: thats fair i guess
CC: i still dont understand most of what goes on in the mydium lol
CL: ...As to your second question, it's a fascinating one. We've always understood the universe to be the totality of existence, created and constituted by the Name That Is exactly as it exists. However, it's not unique at all. Or rather, what we perceived to be the universe is only one mote in a myriad belonging to the true universe. Perhaps it's pure ego to assume that the celestial machinery should be attached to our mote in particular.
CC: if ur talking abt places outside all universes
CC: or what weve bn calling universes i guess
CC: that wd have 2 b in the furthest ring
CL: That's not a prospect I relish, and I hope you're wrong.
CC: yea it kinda sucks here
CC: my path of least resistance thing
CC: thats what yuwen calls it
CC: it makes sure we dont ever hit the things here but we pass rly close sumtimes n its super creepy
CC: distance doesnt work normal here n theres a lot of space btwn them but theyre so big they almost completely fill every amt of space
CL: I can't imagine being immersed in Kaos, waking and sleeping, for weeks. The whispering must drive you mad.
CC: whispering?
CL: You don't hear it?
CC: i guess theres like a sound i can almost hear bt not quite
CC: like its 2 lo pitch 2 hear
CC: i didnt even notice it til u said that bt its crazy u hear it half the time when u sleep
CL: I certainly felt like I was going mad when I was younger. It was almost a relief to find that it had a definite source.
CC: o b4 i 4get
CC: hows zevvie in ur rite now
CC: ive bn hanging out w them in ur future bt it seemed like they were rly down a lot of the time
CL: Ah... They parted ways with AC a week or so ago to catch up on their own quests. I suppose they've been a bit quiet when all four of us are writing together. I'll see if they want me to travel with them for a while. Thank you for looking out for them, Kuviu.
CC: yea
CC: i think mbe if we paid more attention 2 pnimm ze wdnt have disappeared
CC: i still hope we cn find zir evently bt idk how bc i think zes sumwhere in the furthest ring 2
CC: im already not sure how we cn navigate 2 ur session w/o zir
CL: I'm not even sure how you intend to move through Kaos once you've reached the Omphalos, let alone chart a course.
CC: haha ud have 2 ask yuwen abt that 1
CC: im just getting us halfway there