You are Mariyam. Having completed your morning prayers and blessings, you're taking the time to catch up with your friend and guide.
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CC: i do rly miss having trees n rocks n stuff
CC: but they do have those other places
CC: like not specificly the ones i rmber but at least i get 2 rmber them
CC: im NEVER gonna get 2 see the band my guardian rly liked
CC: or my guardian
CC: man
CL: You're certain your guardian was erased?
CC: its not like there was anywhere else 4 em 2 go
CC: es not on the qsm
CC: i guess e cdve gone into the furthest ring alone but that sucks even more!
CC: i was rly rly mad when yuwen told me e cdnt find r guardians bt now its just kinda
CC: well
CC: i hope we get 2 meet urs someday!
CL: I hope so too. We have reports from Tahomaz and Zevenzi that they've seen their family members on Prospit--although they haven't made contact because they're too embarrassed about appearing with their heads uncovered, which seems to me easily remedied, but what do I know?
CL: --In any case, there certainly aren't any humans on Derse.
CC: have u tried writing 2 ur guardian
CC: cos u dont need an internet connection or w/e, u just get the angels to say hi
CL: I haven't. Since time seems to flow at a different rate here and in Amdai, I could only contact them at the most confusing possible time.
CC: ohh so u can talk 2 them after ac finishes ur time chat program
CL: I suppose that's true. I'll be interested to get their perspective on this time difference, whether it means they're definitively different universes, and what implications that might have for the locations of the Vessels.
CL: But I won't speculate here if it will bore you.
CC: i mite not get all of it bt its interesting 2 think abt! n i like 2 hear ur thots
CC: but they do have those other places
CC: like not specificly the ones i rmber but at least i get 2 rmber them
CC: im NEVER gonna get 2 see the band my guardian rly liked
CC: or my guardian
CC: man
CL: You're certain your guardian was erased?
CC: its not like there was anywhere else 4 em 2 go
CC: es not on the qsm
CC: i guess e cdve gone into the furthest ring alone but that sucks even more!
CC: i was rly rly mad when yuwen told me e cdnt find r guardians bt now its just kinda
CC: well
CC: i hope we get 2 meet urs someday!
CL: I hope so too. We have reports from Tahomaz and Zevenzi that they've seen their family members on Prospit--although they haven't made contact because they're too embarrassed about appearing with their heads uncovered, which seems to me easily remedied, but what do I know?
CL: --In any case, there certainly aren't any humans on Derse.
CC: have u tried writing 2 ur guardian
CC: cos u dont need an internet connection or w/e, u just get the angels to say hi
CL: I haven't. Since time seems to flow at a different rate here and in Amdai, I could only contact them at the most confusing possible time.
CC: ohh so u can talk 2 them after ac finishes ur time chat program
CL: I suppose that's true. I'll be interested to get their perspective on this time difference, whether it means they're definitively different universes, and what implications that might have for the locations of the Vessels.
CL: But I won't speculate here if it will bore you.
CC: i mite not get all of it bt its interesting 2 think abt! n i like 2 hear ur thots