Right now the information you're most eager to receive is what is this guy's deal? As someone who thinks they're in control of this exchange they have the makings of a fantastic mark--if, that is, they actually turn out to have something you want.
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AC: i assumed you already knew, but ok. i'm an information broker.
CV: What does that mean?
AC: it means i sell people information they want? what kind of question is that
CV: Sell...? Either way, that's fortuitous for this exchange.
CV: I recently left the Medium, but before that, like you, I entered from the planet on which I used to live. Most of my crew are native to the Medium, however.
AC: and how did you get a copy of this game?
CV: It was distributed by a programming collective that makes video games professionally. I have reason to believe that they did so under the aegis of an inter-national archaeological society, who themselves found the code inscribed on the walls of one or more questing structures. And you did the same. What was your objective in doing so?
AC: come on, any self-respecting sourceror would want to play a divinely sanctioned game that involves questing for the deep mystic secrets of the name that is.
CV: Do you actually expect me to find that argument convincing?
AC: is that your next question?
CV: No.
AC: well, then, i don't need to answer it.
CV: I thought that you might decide that it's in your best interest to be truthful, given that the information I have may be the difference between your success and the repeated deaths of you and all your "friends." But perhaps I should have expected this was never going to be productive.
CV: What does that mean?
AC: it means i sell people information they want? what kind of question is that
CV: Sell...? Either way, that's fortuitous for this exchange.
CV: I recently left the Medium, but before that, like you, I entered from the planet on which I used to live. Most of my crew are native to the Medium, however.
AC: and how did you get a copy of this game?
CV: It was distributed by a programming collective that makes video games professionally. I have reason to believe that they did so under the aegis of an inter-national archaeological society, who themselves found the code inscribed on the walls of one or more questing structures. And you did the same. What was your objective in doing so?
AC: come on, any self-respecting sourceror would want to play a divinely sanctioned game that involves questing for the deep mystic secrets of the name that is.
CV: Do you actually expect me to find that argument convincing?
AC: is that your next question?
CV: No.
AC: well, then, i don't need to answer it.
CV: I thought that you might decide that it's in your best interest to be truthful, given that the information I have may be the difference between your success and the repeated deaths of you and all your "friends." But perhaps I should have expected this was never going to be productive.
-- chroniclesVindication [CV] disconnected. --
AC: hang on you didn't even give me a chance to change my mind
AC: fuck
AC: fuck
-- chroniclesVindication [CV] contacted apocryphalCatalyst [AC]. --
CV: And have you in fact changed your mind?
AC: what i said before wasn't a lie. obviously i want to know what i can find out through this game, and i have reason to believe it's the only possible place to make moshias. but you're right that there's another reason.
AC: ...
AC: in amdai we have a theory that everything that's ever going to happen was written down at the beginning of the universe.
CV: Cantor's Book of Eternity, yes.
AC: if you're not from amdai how the fuck do you know about that?
CV: I'll answer that question after you finish with this one.
AC: ugh
AC: if you're going to play this exchange as letter-of-law i might have to stop being so thorough answering your questions.
CV: This is not how I act when I'm being obstructive.
AC: so you're just a huge irritating tool all the time?
CV: Still waiting for your answer.
AC: ugh. the book of eternity records everything that will happen in this universe, and its associated medium, since the book exists here as the urworld skaia. if this game actually can make a completely new universe, it won't have a book of eternity. that's my objective. i want to enter a universe where i actually get to make my own decisions.
CV: Of course, Skaia is the Book. It holds us to its chosen future by showing glimpses of it.
AC: it's not like skaia has its own volition any more than a book does. the future is ordained by the endless word, skaia just shows it.
CV: Skaia has only ever shown visions of the future inside the Medium, hasn't it?
AC: ...
AC: i need to check some things. we can keep doing this later if you're willing to answer more questions, but i have to go now.
CV: Not even going to make good on the last question you've earned?
AC: i'm making a note that you owe me one!
AC: what i said before wasn't a lie. obviously i want to know what i can find out through this game, and i have reason to believe it's the only possible place to make moshias. but you're right that there's another reason.
AC: ...
AC: in amdai we have a theory that everything that's ever going to happen was written down at the beginning of the universe.
CV: Cantor's Book of Eternity, yes.
AC: if you're not from amdai how the fuck do you know about that?
CV: I'll answer that question after you finish with this one.
AC: ugh
AC: if you're going to play this exchange as letter-of-law i might have to stop being so thorough answering your questions.
CV: This is not how I act when I'm being obstructive.
AC: so you're just a huge irritating tool all the time?
CV: Still waiting for your answer.
AC: ugh. the book of eternity records everything that will happen in this universe, and its associated medium, since the book exists here as the urworld skaia. if this game actually can make a completely new universe, it won't have a book of eternity. that's my objective. i want to enter a universe where i actually get to make my own decisions.
CV: Of course, Skaia is the Book. It holds us to its chosen future by showing glimpses of it.
AC: it's not like skaia has its own volition any more than a book does. the future is ordained by the endless word, skaia just shows it.
CV: Skaia has only ever shown visions of the future inside the Medium, hasn't it?
AC: ...
AC: i need to check some things. we can keep doing this later if you're willing to answer more questions, but i have to go now.
CV: Not even going to make good on the last question you've earned?
AC: i'm making a note that you owe me one!
-- apocryphalCatalyst [AC] disconnected. --