But you don't completely waste that time. While your phantasmal guide may not speak in the voice of your creator, as you totally weren't secretly hoping, it does have a lot to tell you.
So does this weirdo, whoever they are.
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-- chroniclesVindication [CV] contacted apocryphalCatalyst [AC]. --
CV: Welcome to the Medium. Since you're just sitting there waiting, perhaps you'll be amenable to a conversation.
AC: i'm always amenable to a conversation. i try to be generous with my time.
CV: I understand that there's a lot you don't know about this game, and I don't believe you're actually the one who coded it. I propose an exchange of information that should be beneficial to both of us.
AC: sounds great. but before we start, i like to know what kind of business my associates are in. how did you get your hands on the game? i may not have done the encoding, but i did write it out myself.
CV: The answer to your second question is part of the information that's up for trade. As to the first, at the moment I'm the captain of a voidsailer.
AC: some kind of aethercraft, I assume? what kind of cargo are you moving?
CV: People.
AC: you're going to need to explain how i haven't heard about this. last i checked--and if you're coming to me at all you know how thoroughly i can check--there were zero operational aethercraft in amdai. if you're actually able to get around the transportalizer network and you're trafficking in humans, i definitely would have heard about it.
CV: Not humans, no. As is my current occupation. I'm contacting you as a player, and not from Amdai.
AC: ...are you native to the medium?
CV: Tell me what your business is, and I'll answer that question as completely as you wish.
AC: i'm always amenable to a conversation. i try to be generous with my time.
CV: I understand that there's a lot you don't know about this game, and I don't believe you're actually the one who coded it. I propose an exchange of information that should be beneficial to both of us.
AC: sounds great. but before we start, i like to know what kind of business my associates are in. how did you get your hands on the game? i may not have done the encoding, but i did write it out myself.
CV: The answer to your second question is part of the information that's up for trade. As to the first, at the moment I'm the captain of a voidsailer.
AC: some kind of aethercraft, I assume? what kind of cargo are you moving?
CV: People.
AC: you're going to need to explain how i haven't heard about this. last i checked--and if you're coming to me at all you know how thoroughly i can check--there were zero operational aethercraft in amdai. if you're actually able to get around the transportalizer network and you're trafficking in humans, i definitely would have heard about it.
CV: Not humans, no. As is my current occupation. I'm contacting you as a player, and not from Amdai.
AC: ...are you native to the medium?
CV: Tell me what your business is, and I'll answer that question as completely as you wish.