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AA: Hang on, so we don't have any idea how your consciousness switches between your normal body and your dreaming body, right
AA: But they're both physical bodies
CC: yeah
AA: So your consciousness is *separate* from your body, as in, it can separate from it
AA: And in fact it does that every time you go to sleep
CC: u think its not just switching 2 ur dreamself its like every time u sleep ur mind goes looking 4 it
AA: I mean clearly it's *attracted* by your dreamself since it always ends up there when possible
AA: But if it's not there maybe it's like aiming at a target and missing, so it goes behind it
CC: whats behind the target
AA: Well if you go far enough in any direction here, you'll hit the Furthest Ring
CC: pnimm can u unsay that pls
AA: I mean, something dark blocking out the sky that's also physically close to you sounds like the Dwellers, doesn't it
CC: thats so much scarier than it being a normal nitemare!!!!
AA: Sorry, Ku
AA: But if your mind is physically entering the Furthest Ring and can still make it back here you've got to have some kind of tether right
AA: You're like a voidsailor in a way, you can explore the darkness beyond light and always make it home!
CC: pnimmmmmmmm
CC: thats even scarier!!! what if sth happens to the tether!!!
AA: Oh
AA: I mean I don't think the Dwellers are malicious
AA: More like they probably don't even notice us
AA: But that could be pretty dangerous in its own way
CC: nooo
AA: Maybe you'd better not go to sleep until you transcend
CC: that means i only get 1 try 2 get 2 my dream body or i 4get evthing i've done 2 prepare
AA: Argh, maybe you SHOULD sleep before you go then??
AA: It might be that you just have to pick between two dangerous things
CC: nooooo
AA: Sorry Ku }:( I wish I could help and change it
CC: no im glad u explained it i think its better to kno all the dangers even if that makes it rly hard to choose what 2 do
CC: they say u have to be scared b4 u can be brave
CC: n by they i mean my guardian
AA: Do you think our guardians are OK Ku
AA: Do you think the people in the undercities are OK
CC: my guardians in the mydium somewhere
CC: n urs has already been here b4 i bet hes here rn!
AA: Maybe
AA: I wish I could talk to him though
AA: He always knew what to do, or if he didn't he could help me figure out what I really wanted to do
AA: I actually
CC: ?
AA: Ughhhhhh
AA: I feel like you always know what you want to do
AA: You always just want to help people and keep everyone safe
AA: If someone offered you a bunch of hidden secret knowledge about the universe that would disappear if you didn't take it you'd be like, whatever
CC: i mean if its free knowledge it cld be useful
AA: Except to take it I have to ditch you guys AGAIN and go back to Derse and follow this weird map that doesn't make any sense
CC: oh yeah i probly wld be like whatever
AA: Haha exactly
CC: i dont want u 2 ditch us bt i can c how it cld be rly important
AA: Yeah }:\
AA: I guess I'll figure it out
AA: Thanks Ku
CC: haha whatd i do
AA: Maybe I should transcend and ditch the map and come hug you
CC: mbe hehe
AA: I'll see what Yuwen thinks when e gets back to me though
AA: But they're both physical bodies
CC: yeah
AA: So your consciousness is *separate* from your body, as in, it can separate from it
AA: And in fact it does that every time you go to sleep
CC: u think its not just switching 2 ur dreamself its like every time u sleep ur mind goes looking 4 it
AA: I mean clearly it's *attracted* by your dreamself since it always ends up there when possible
AA: But if it's not there maybe it's like aiming at a target and missing, so it goes behind it
CC: whats behind the target
AA: Well if you go far enough in any direction here, you'll hit the Furthest Ring
CC: pnimm can u unsay that pls
AA: I mean, something dark blocking out the sky that's also physically close to you sounds like the Dwellers, doesn't it
CC: thats so much scarier than it being a normal nitemare!!!!
AA: Sorry, Ku
AA: But if your mind is physically entering the Furthest Ring and can still make it back here you've got to have some kind of tether right
AA: You're like a voidsailor in a way, you can explore the darkness beyond light and always make it home!
CC: pnimmmmmmmm
CC: thats even scarier!!! what if sth happens to the tether!!!
AA: Oh
AA: I mean I don't think the Dwellers are malicious
AA: More like they probably don't even notice us
AA: But that could be pretty dangerous in its own way
CC: nooo
AA: Maybe you'd better not go to sleep until you transcend
CC: that means i only get 1 try 2 get 2 my dream body or i 4get evthing i've done 2 prepare
AA: Argh, maybe you SHOULD sleep before you go then??
AA: It might be that you just have to pick between two dangerous things
CC: nooooo
AA: Sorry Ku }:( I wish I could help and change it
CC: no im glad u explained it i think its better to kno all the dangers even if that makes it rly hard to choose what 2 do
CC: they say u have to be scared b4 u can be brave
CC: n by they i mean my guardian
AA: Do you think our guardians are OK Ku
AA: Do you think the people in the undercities are OK
CC: my guardians in the mydium somewhere
CC: n urs has already been here b4 i bet hes here rn!
AA: Maybe
AA: I wish I could talk to him though
AA: He always knew what to do, or if he didn't he could help me figure out what I really wanted to do
AA: I actually
CC: ?
AA: Ughhhhhh
AA: I feel like you always know what you want to do
AA: You always just want to help people and keep everyone safe
AA: If someone offered you a bunch of hidden secret knowledge about the universe that would disappear if you didn't take it you'd be like, whatever
CC: i mean if its free knowledge it cld be useful
AA: Except to take it I have to ditch you guys AGAIN and go back to Derse and follow this weird map that doesn't make any sense
CC: oh yeah i probly wld be like whatever
AA: Haha exactly
CC: i dont want u 2 ditch us bt i can c how it cld be rly important
AA: Yeah }:\
AA: I guess I'll figure it out
AA: Thanks Ku
CC: haha whatd i do
AA: Maybe I should transcend and ditch the map and come hug you
CC: mbe hehe
AA: I'll see what Yuwen thinks when e gets back to me though