Wait, who on the living earth is this? You're not sure if you should even answer this message. But like Yuwen said, you can just be cautious what you tell them and how you use their information... right?
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-- catabasianLodestar [CL] contacted carvingCarrion [CC]. --
CL: Good day, Kuviu. From your perspective we've never met, but from mine we're already friends. The intricacies of our comparative timelines can be a little confounding, but the first time you spoke to me you knew me already. Consider this turnabout, if you like.
CC: what do u want
CL: Maybe playing my role in a performance I've heard about secondhand, maybe eager to meet a friend for the second time. Either or both.
CC: i dont think that answers my question
CL: I know you won't believe me right away, but I want to help you as you helped me.
CC: this whole thing w random other ppl who toootally just want to help us smells like bs
CC: everything since we all entered has been ppl n monsters tryn 2 hurt us
CL: Are you certain you aren't only on edge because you're being followed?
CC: what!
CC: i KNEW it
CC: if ur even telling the truth.
CL: Would you like pictorial proof? As it turns out the angels are more than happy to convey images, if instructed in a certain way.
CC: fine show me
CL: [link]
CC: wtf there are adults here
CC: how did they get here
CL: The Medium is a lot more porous than we first thought, we're actually still in contact with our original planets. It's possible that there are transportalizers between your session and Mydistrata.
CC: dont say stuff u shdnt know unless i tell u
CC: its creepy
CL: So sorry, it didn't occur to me.
CL: If we can't be friends just yet, are we at least done being enemies?
CC: no ur weird n creepy were enemies
CL: Alas! Then I'll take my leave. See you soon.
CC: what do u want
CL: Maybe playing my role in a performance I've heard about secondhand, maybe eager to meet a friend for the second time. Either or both.
CC: i dont think that answers my question
CL: I know you won't believe me right away, but I want to help you as you helped me.
CC: this whole thing w random other ppl who toootally just want to help us smells like bs
CC: everything since we all entered has been ppl n monsters tryn 2 hurt us
CL: Are you certain you aren't only on edge because you're being followed?
CC: what!
CC: i KNEW it
CC: if ur even telling the truth.
CL: Would you like pictorial proof? As it turns out the angels are more than happy to convey images, if instructed in a certain way.
CC: fine show me
CL: [link]
CC: wtf there are adults here
CC: how did they get here
CL: The Medium is a lot more porous than we first thought, we're actually still in contact with our original planets. It's possible that there are transportalizers between your session and Mydistrata.
CC: dont say stuff u shdnt know unless i tell u
CC: its creepy
CL: So sorry, it didn't occur to me.
CL: If we can't be friends just yet, are we at least done being enemies?
CC: no ur weird n creepy were enemies
CL: Alas! Then I'll take my leave. See you soon.
-- catabasianLodestar [CL] disconnected. --
CC: ugh!!!