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???: Eep! I'm friendly, I'm friendly!
KUVIU: oh sorry about that
KUVIU: i guess im kinda jumpy, i feel like someones been watching me
???: Aahh...
KUVIU: but it wasnt u! u came to welcome me rite?
???: Oh! No, absolutely not! And absolutely yes! It's just me, Duxian!
KUVIU: hi im kuviu! >:)
DUXIAN: Right, Kuviu, it was on the tip of my tongue. Don't worry, I know you're usually nicer than this.
KUVIU: but ive never been here before
DUXIAN: But you *are* the Dreamer of Water?
KUVIU: pretty sure!
KUVIU: maybe i kinda look like some1 else u know?
DUXIAN: I guess that must be it...
DUXIAN: Ahem, well then, welcome to the Land of Cascade and Bone. Would you like to hear a little bit about the history of this place?
KUVIU: tell me about urself!
DUXIAN: Well, lately I'm a fisherman. I know this lake pretty well, so if you want me to take you anywhere on these shores, just say the word.
KUVIU: lately? so whatd u used to do?
DUXIAN: I suppose I was a fisherman when I lived up on the surface, but the fish were different, and we had to deal with waves and tides. It's very still down here, you know, ever since Nethuns vanished.
KUVIU: ooh so uve got friends? can i meet them?
DUXIAN: I wish you could... Somehow we seem to have gotten separated.
KUVIU: ill see if i can find them! im pretty good at finding things
DUXIAN: I can take you to the other side of the lake, that might be a good place to start looking.
KUVIU: cool thanks!
KUVIU: im sort of a hunter i guess u could say. like its the main thing i do even though its not my favorite thing. but i like carving stuff and im getting better at playing the flute too
KUVIU: hang on someones texting me
KUVIU: oh sorry about that
KUVIU: i guess im kinda jumpy, i feel like someones been watching me
???: Aahh...
KUVIU: but it wasnt u! u came to welcome me rite?
???: Oh! No, absolutely not! And absolutely yes! It's just me, Duxian!
KUVIU: hi im kuviu! >:)
DUXIAN: Right, Kuviu, it was on the tip of my tongue. Don't worry, I know you're usually nicer than this.
KUVIU: but ive never been here before
DUXIAN: But you *are* the Dreamer of Water?
KUVIU: pretty sure!
KUVIU: maybe i kinda look like some1 else u know?
DUXIAN: I guess that must be it...
DUXIAN: Ahem, well then, welcome to the Land of Cascade and Bone. Would you like to hear a little bit about the history of this place?
KUVIU: tell me about urself!
DUXIAN: Well, lately I'm a fisherman. I know this lake pretty well, so if you want me to take you anywhere on these shores, just say the word.
KUVIU: lately? so whatd u used to do?
DUXIAN: I suppose I was a fisherman when I lived up on the surface, but the fish were different, and we had to deal with waves and tides. It's very still down here, you know, ever since Nethuns vanished.
KUVIU: ooh so uve got friends? can i meet them?
DUXIAN: I wish you could... Somehow we seem to have gotten separated.
KUVIU: ill see if i can find them! im pretty good at finding things
DUXIAN: I can take you to the other side of the lake, that might be a good place to start looking.
KUVIU: cool thanks!
KUVIU: im sort of a hunter i guess u could say. like its the main thing i do even though its not my favorite thing. but i like carving stuff and im getting better at playing the flute too
KUVIU: hang on someones texting me