It was prophesied long ago that four would arise from Derse and four from Prospit to oppose the Dreamers who had long slept on their moons. These agents would be transformed by this struggle just as the Dreamers would be, and though it wasn't a job anyone wanted, it was one crucial to Skaia's ultimate purpose. What's Skaia's ultimate purpose? you ask. The Nearsighted Librarian chuckles. Unsurpassed creative potential, they say. It is the seed of universes. In any case, four Dersites volunteered to keep the vigil, and devote themselves to the Dreamers' destruction when it came time. All the rest promised to aid them when asked, and hoped they never would be. Everyone here is very fond of the Dreamers. They've all spent so long caring for you and imagining what you'd be like when you woke.