Your name is PNIMM OUWELD. You are known to your teachers, classmates, neighbors, and fellow public transit passengers to be EXTREMELY ENTHUSIASTIC about COMMUNICATION. You love a good ANALYTICAL DEBATE, although in a pinch you don't mind just EXPLAINING THINGS to people. Your truest passion is LINGUISTICS, and you're working toward learning the languages of all five major nations, as well as some ENDANGERED DIALECTS and OBSCURE ORTHOGRAPHIES. This naturally leads to an interest in CRYPTOGRAPHY, but you honestly spend a lot more time watching foreign-language CARTOONS AND SOAP OPERAS. Your natural curiosity also leads you to try GETTING INTO PLACES YOU SHOULDN'T, which you enjoy MAPPING. Many of your favorite places to play your VIOLE are LONELY PROMONTORIES and ABANDONED STRUCTURES, although those are both in short supply here in the capital city of MYD CUTH.
You've been watching this KIND OF STUPID CORIC SHOW to take your mind off things, but you're starting to feel restless. What will you do?