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-- carvingCarrion [CC] contacted vanguardAcuity [VA]. --
CC: we got 4 players
CC: rite on schej
VA: hey!
CC: play 2day?
VA: who's the last one?
CC: u havent met em
CC: 1 of my n aas friends
CC: ul like em tho
VA: oh yeah? well, I mean whatever, it's just a game. if I don't like em one of us can just leave.
CC: told u its nnt
VA: yeah, I still don't get what you're talking about. are you typing on that piece of crap you call a phone right now?
CC: stikl omw home
VA: dude don't you have to still send me the file?
CC: check filebin
VA: oh my bad. I'll start installing it.
CC: yayy
VA: oh this is taking forever cos it's downloading from your super slow internet. why didn't you just get AA to host it.
CC: oops
VA: so are you texting me with like some kind of megafauna slung over one shoulder?
CC: smh aj takes 2 shldrs
CC: tbh take ur time gotta dresr it whdn i get b ack
VA: ok I feel like you're gonna throw out your back or sth trying to text while carrying a bigass biselk so I'll talk to you later.
CC: yay c u
CC: rite on schej
VA: hey!
CC: play 2day?
VA: who's the last one?
CC: u havent met em
CC: 1 of my n aas friends
CC: ul like em tho
VA: oh yeah? well, I mean whatever, it's just a game. if I don't like em one of us can just leave.
CC: told u its nnt
VA: yeah, I still don't get what you're talking about. are you typing on that piece of crap you call a phone right now?
CC: stikl omw home
VA: dude don't you have to still send me the file?
CC: check filebin
VA: oh my bad. I'll start installing it.
CC: yayy
VA: oh this is taking forever cos it's downloading from your super slow internet. why didn't you just get AA to host it.
CC: oops
VA: so are you texting me with like some kind of megafauna slung over one shoulder?
CC: smh aj takes 2 shldrs
CC: tbh take ur time gotta dresr it whdn i get b ack
VA: ok I feel like you're gonna throw out your back or sth trying to text while carrying a bigass biselk so I'll talk to you later.
CC: yay c u
-- carvingCarrion [CC] disconnected. --