You're just about to do that when Mari wakes up.
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ZEVENZI: hey mari! u were asleep for a long time
MARIYAM: modea-ani-lefaneka-shem-hay-vekayyam-shehehizarta-vineshmatiy-behemla-rava-emontekaHello, Zevvie.
ZEVENZI: did u do anything fun?
MARIYAM: I was looking for something important. I did find it, hopefully we can pick it up when we're all on Derse for your story.
ZEVENZI: ooh is it a surprise hehe
ZEVENZI: anyway i couldn't sleep so i already talked to kaos! i can tell u about it on the way to ur denizen?
MARIYAM: I suppose it is a bit of a private thing... Yes, tell me what you found out.
MARIYAM: modea-ani-lefaneka-shem-hay-vekayyam-shehehizarta-vineshmatiy-behemla-rava-emontekaHello, Zevvie.
ZEVENZI: did u do anything fun?
MARIYAM: I was looking for something important. I did find it, hopefully we can pick it up when we're all on Derse for your story.
ZEVENZI: ooh is it a surprise hehe
ZEVENZI: anyway i couldn't sleep so i already talked to kaos! i can tell u about it on the way to ur denizen?
MARIYAM: I suppose it is a bit of a private thing... Yes, tell me what you found out.