Book Droog(?): What is that thing?

The name's DIAMONDS WILD, alright? And you have no idea what this creepy thing is that you just made. You just followed the directions your informant gave you. Some weirdo who calls themself Domesday. Still, their info's good.

Speaking of, that's them now on the lab console. It's time to close the deal.

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-- [] contacted veilLab236 [VL]. --

: Well done. As promised, the locations of the hidden items of power are as follows: the sceptres can be found at 302°33'12" in the Land of Tides and Scales and at 81°16'57" in the Land of Fountains and Crystal; the rings can be found at 11°29'41" in the Land of Rivers and Groves and at 51°55'30" in the Land of Bubbles and Clockwork. My recommendation is to seek the sceptre in the Land of Tides and Scales first.
VL: sure, i'll do that.

-- [] disconnected. --