Apoc: Get another opinion.

You trust your master, you really do. But it's becoming clear to you that if something runs contrary to Skaia's purposes she can't do it. No help from that quarter. But you might still be able to find some things out from what you've been calling the dalet session, the game that supposedly spawned your universe.

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-- apocryphalCatalyst [AC] contacted autographicAnaglyph [AA]. --

AC: do you know who ajact is?
AA: Not talking about her.
AC: what?
AA: Want information, offer a return. But not that information.
AC: yeah but why not
AA: Not talking.
AC: you know if you didn't want to talk about her you could have just said you don't know who she is
AC: but whatever. how about the whole deal with you preemptively deciding you were about to make our universe, can we talk about that
AA: What's your offer?
AC: this is ridiculous, you told zevvie all that for free
AA: Zevvie tells things for free. Even Mari.
AC: okay, i'll tell you something, but i don't even know what would be useful to you this late in your game
AA: Why are you like this?
AC: rude
AA: That's the question.
AC: you want me to justify my whole existence to you?
AA: That's what *you* asked.
AC: ha ha.
AC: i don't know what to tell you, dude. i don't know what you think i'm like.
AA: Still haven't told anyone your name.
AC: well i'm not telling you, i met you like 1 minute ago
AC: and it's not like they don't know who i am
AA: Who are you?
AC: i'm apoc
AC: i don't know what you want me to say here. like i had to grow up sneaky and paranoid because i was picking pockets to eat when i was like 4? like my whole personality sucks and nobody trusts me cause of what i had to do when i was a kid and no matter how much i'd like to stop it i can't?
AC: man fuck this

-- apocryphalCatalyst [AC] disconnected. --

AA: Apologies.
AA: Always seemed like you not have feelings.
AA: Guess that's the point.
AA: Try explain foreknowledge...
AA: Influence domain is replication, propagation, instability and chaos. Loops, reflections. Unreal-real. Don't have good words, sorry.
AA: Information propagates through time: echoes. What we'll see what we'll hear.
AA: Know you.
AA: Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

-- autographicAnaglyph [AA] disconnected. --