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AC: what about the king
LL: they're rlly serious! i think they're a good king
LA: Have you met them?
LL: oh yeah this was while u were touring the cenobium
LL: they called me a prince hehe
AC: but aren't we on a third side from the dream kingdoms in the battle for the so-called ultimate reward
AC: like why wouldn't they just get rid of you
LA: I think it might be a different story if our waking selves came to Prospit, but our dream selves are more like... do nobles on Shada do fostering?
AC: there's never been that kind of open conflict on shada. too risky. but yeah i've read my history
LL: so ur saying it's like when a noble family takes care of another noble family's kid so they'll be nicer when they get sent back and their houses can stop being enemies?
AC: zevvie, maz is saying our dream selves are hostages.
LL: D: is that what fostering is??
LA: Anyway, it's not the King's role to eliminate us as threats. That's what they have the Agents for.