Zevvie: Contact cattyCorner.

Maybe cattyCorner likes animals too? That seems like a good place to start. You try to imagine a person who's totally different from a human or a whatever VA is, but still likes cats. But cats are pink on their world. And maybe they dress fancy but they have different dyes? Ooh, that's cool. You hope they're like that. You pick a little while after they get into the game, like with VA, because that worked out pretty well.

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-- lupineLightfoot [LL] contacted cattyCorner [CC]. --

LL: so do u like cats? is that why u chose that name?
CC: whats a cat lol
CC: also who are you
LL: wait if you don't have cats on ur world what does ur intername mean
CC: its like diagonally across a street, like not doing things the straightforward way but its better if you think about it
CC: tbh i dont know why its called that
CC: aaaaaalso
CC: who are you
CC: and also whats a cat
CC: and also?
CC: "on ur world"?
LL: oh haha sorry i'm zevvie i'm from another universe or at least that's what they tell me
LL: though i'm not totally sure what universe you're from so maybe it's the same one as us?? i don't know a lot of what's going on haha
LL: but if u don't have cats ur prolly not from amdai? i think most worlds in amdai have cats
LL: which is like a little animal that catches pests and also they sit on ur lap and are nice
CC: this is great, wow, wait till everyone hears about this
CC: so you're a person from beyond the stars we know, contacting the mydian people for the first time via a chat client thats honestly mostly used by leirian 2nd molts
CC: we need to do better before we can really get one over on my buddy cv but its a great start
CC: like did you think up a reason for why you have to use wyrmchat and speak leirian
LL: uh i mean this isn't a joke haha idk how it works but we're using a time travel courser our friend made, it just seems like it connects with whatever u have and the translation just happens like normal?
LL: which cv is your friend?
CC: the one, the only, cruorsvesper
CC: thats an ok reason, i like the addition of time travel but maybe its a little too complicated
LL: um ok it's been very nice to meet you but maybe cv will believe me
LL: see u later maybe?
CC: i hope so! on both counts lol

-- lupineLightfoot [LL] disconnected. --