Zevvie: Get "username".

You... really can't tell if VA likes you, but at least they know who you are, which is a start. You're too embarrassed to tell everyone you already messed up using the courser, so you write a private missive to Maz.

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-- lupineLightfoot [LL] contacted lunateAgronomicon [LA]. --

LL: hey um maz i talked to va but they said i don't have a username for them? i guess that's like an intername
LL: sorry Q_Q i think i don't get how to use it?
LA: Let me check it out. Apoc might have missed some things.
LL: thanks!!
LA: All right, ask for time_courser2.x. Our internames should be visible to our mydian friends, and I've added colored print to make it easier to read.
LL: thank u sooo much
LL: um while ur here can u tell me what's the deal with the timeline thing
LA: It seems to represent your interlocutor's life as if they were travelling forward along a thread. I did look into the code and find that there are two versions, one that starts when they enter the game and one that starts at "origin," whatever that is. If this courser is anything like the one our friends have, it's probably when they first got their missive courser.
LL: ohhh
LA: So you can ask the angels to show you game_timeline or origin_timeline and pick from that.
LL: ok thank u so much!!
LA: No problem. I'll tell everyone else what we found out and give them my updated version.

-- lunateAgronomicon [LA] disconnected. --