Yuwen is acting like a little butthead at this point in ir timeline and you want to preserve your illusion of a timelessly reasonable Yuwen, so you give it to Kuviu. From what Mariyam says he's pretty easy to please, and even though you're honestly not sure how he's useful, you butter him up anyway to keep your hand in. Never hurts to have one more ally.
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-- apocryphalCatalyst [AC] contacted carvingCarrion [CC]. --
AC: hey this is my last possible point of contact with you
AC: i know you're running for your life right now but write to me when you have time, i have something for you
CC: is it sth i can use 2 punch yuwen in ir stupid face!!
AC: it's a courser that will let you choose when to talk to us over here, but it would probably make yuwen pretty mad if you didn't share it with em
CC: good!!
AC: what did e do?
CC: e didnt find any of the ppl we were sposed 2 save!!
CC: we still dont know where r guardians r or pnimm or aj!
CC: theyre prob lost 4ever n yuwen was the 1 who was sposed 2 find them!!
AC: well from what i know about yuwen e's also pretty upset about that right now
CC: i know e yelled at me =:(
AC: that piece of shit.
CC: yea!!
AC: i don't know about ajact but pnimm is pretty much okay
CC: ze is? have u talked 2 zir?
AC: yeah ze's the one who wanted me to give you the time courser
AC: ze can't write to you directly because both of you are in the furthest ring so you can't be contacted at a particular time, but ze told me to tell you ze misses you and yuwen
CC: }:'S
CC: i miss zir 2... i feel bad abt not being there 4 zir enuf wile we were playing
AC: i'll tell zir that but i don't think ze blames you
CC: hows ze doing?
AC: honestly ze mostly talks to maz but i think ze's having an okay time even though ze's kind of stuck somehwere. they're pretty good friends
CC: thats good...
AC: i know you're running for your life right now but write to me when you have time, i have something for you
CC: is it sth i can use 2 punch yuwen in ir stupid face!!
AC: it's a courser that will let you choose when to talk to us over here, but it would probably make yuwen pretty mad if you didn't share it with em
CC: good!!
AC: what did e do?
CC: e didnt find any of the ppl we were sposed 2 save!!
CC: we still dont know where r guardians r or pnimm or aj!
CC: theyre prob lost 4ever n yuwen was the 1 who was sposed 2 find them!!
AC: well from what i know about yuwen e's also pretty upset about that right now
CC: i know e yelled at me =:(
AC: that piece of shit.
CC: yea!!
AC: i don't know about ajact but pnimm is pretty much okay
CC: ze is? have u talked 2 zir?
AC: yeah ze's the one who wanted me to give you the time courser
AC: ze can't write to you directly because both of you are in the furthest ring so you can't be contacted at a particular time, but ze told me to tell you ze misses you and yuwen
CC: }:'S
CC: i miss zir 2... i feel bad abt not being there 4 zir enuf wile we were playing
AC: i'll tell zir that but i don't think ze blames you
CC: hows ze doing?
AC: honestly ze mostly talks to maz but i think ze's having an okay time even though ze's kind of stuck somehwere. they're pretty good friends
CC: thats good...