Later still, you are Zevvie, and you don't think this game could ever let you down. You've spent your first several hours of this game over the moon (hehe) to find that your entire world is populated by friendly wolfmen who all want YOUR help and attention. You've been doing a little light pest control, getting Apoc and later Maz to help clear a space for the nice wolfmen to come live near you, bonding with your wolfman spirit, getting fancy knight clothes made, and pretty much having the best time a person can have (illegally?) on the holy day.
You arrive back at your house to check in with your friends and find that you've been invited to some kind of multiperson megamissive. Cool!!
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-- lunateAgronomicon [LA] opened INFO SHARING. -- -- lunateAgronomicon [LA] invited apocryphalCatalyst [AC]. -- -- lunateAgronomicon [LA] invited catabasianLodestar [CL]. -- -- lunateAgronomicon [LA] invited lupineLightfoot [LL]. --
LA: Now that everyone's in the game and has had a chance to look around, I figured it would be useful for us to be able to pool our knowledge. I'm given to understand there are a lot of puzzles one person can't solve on their own! Plus, the whole thing is pretty dangerous, as I'm sure you've all noticed.
-- apocryphalCatalyst [AC] joined INFO SHARING. --
LA: And thanks to Apoc for helping me with the formulas. I didn't even know this kind of missive to multiple people at once was possible.
AC: no problem
LA: The two of us have already talked over some of what we've found out, but I want to make the archive available for Mariyam and Zevvie too.
AC: the most important things to discuss are, first, the strangers who have been talking to us from another universe--or so they claim--and second, the nature of the game itself.
LA: Third, how to play it.
AC: sure
AC: no problem
LA: The two of us have already talked over some of what we've found out, but I want to make the archive available for Mariyam and Zevvie too.
AC: the most important things to discuss are, first, the strangers who have been talking to us from another universe--or so they claim--and second, the nature of the game itself.
LA: Third, how to play it.
AC: sure
-- catabasianLodestar [CL] joined INFO SHARING. --
LA: I think it's pretty important, considering that we can't do much musing on metaphysics if we get mauled by string dogs and lose our memories.
AC: point lol
CL: Hello. I wasn't aware that anyone else had been contacted by strangers from another universe.
LA: Hey Mariyam! That's why we set this up.
CL: I'm very curious to hear what they've been telling all of you.
AC: point lol
CL: Hello. I wasn't aware that anyone else had been contacted by strangers from another universe.
LA: Hey Mariyam! That's why we set this up.
CL: I'm very curious to hear what they've been telling all of you.
-- lupineLightfoot [LL] joined INFO SHARING. --
LL: hi everyone!!
LL: lemme read what everyone's already said and i'll catch up in a sec
LA: Hi Zevvie!
AC: hey zevvie
LA: Do you want to go first Mariyam?
CL: Hello, Zevvie.
CL: All right. It will take a bit to write all this out.
LA: Cool.
LL: u guys have been talking to people from another universe?? what does that even mean, being from another universe?
AC: you didn't get one?
LL: no...
LA: It's not entirely clear to me either, but it is the wording they used.
CL: I've been contacted by someone named Kuviu. They say that their group of four friends found a game very similar to the one Apoc made and started to play it, and that Kuviu in particular, like Tahomaz, was dreaming future events from the game before ever playing. They explained this in more detail, I can go over it later. They quickly realized that their game had a fault, which took the form of a tall shade limned in auroral fire, seemingly intent on destroying not only the players but the Medium itself. We, speaking from our own futures via a courser that somehow allows communication across universes, contacted the mydians to advise them. They didn't have time to play the game as it was meant to be played, so we told them how to quickly achieve a state of transcendance to defend themselves. I haven't heard anything about transcendance yet from the residents of my land, and Kuviu could only tell me it grants new powers that seem to correspond to the four classical elements. Their element being water, among other things it allowed them to alter the Source code governing the Medium. However, this also erased their Medium in to make way for a new, uncorrupted one and required them to flee into Kaos. They're now attempting to navigate through it to our session, a plan I will apparently someday originate.
LA: Woah.
LL: omg
LA: It sounds like you got a chatty one, that's way more than Apoc or I heard.
AC: they said they altered the source from INSIDE the universe made up of it?
CL: That seems to be the case, yes.
LL: and there's 4 of them...
LA: That may be coincidence, but then again it may not.
LL: i mean whats up w the 4th one! why don't they want to talk to me! i'm cool! kinda
CL: You're very cool, Zevvie. We don't know what circumstances may prevent them from talking to you yet. We don't even know that three different people contacted me, Tahomaz, and AC.
LA: Maybe they're waiting for the most dramatic moment. If it were us, I know that's what Apoc would do.
LL: lemme read what everyone's already said and i'll catch up in a sec
LA: Hi Zevvie!
AC: hey zevvie
LA: Do you want to go first Mariyam?
CL: Hello, Zevvie.
CL: All right. It will take a bit to write all this out.
LA: Cool.
LL: u guys have been talking to people from another universe?? what does that even mean, being from another universe?
AC: you didn't get one?
LL: no...
LA: It's not entirely clear to me either, but it is the wording they used.
CL: I've been contacted by someone named Kuviu. They say that their group of four friends found a game very similar to the one Apoc made and started to play it, and that Kuviu in particular, like Tahomaz, was dreaming future events from the game before ever playing. They explained this in more detail, I can go over it later. They quickly realized that their game had a fault, which took the form of a tall shade limned in auroral fire, seemingly intent on destroying not only the players but the Medium itself. We, speaking from our own futures via a courser that somehow allows communication across universes, contacted the mydians to advise them. They didn't have time to play the game as it was meant to be played, so we told them how to quickly achieve a state of transcendance to defend themselves. I haven't heard anything about transcendance yet from the residents of my land, and Kuviu could only tell me it grants new powers that seem to correspond to the four classical elements. Their element being water, among other things it allowed them to alter the Source code governing the Medium. However, this also erased their Medium in to make way for a new, uncorrupted one and required them to flee into Kaos. They're now attempting to navigate through it to our session, a plan I will apparently someday originate.
LA: Woah.
LL: omg
LA: It sounds like you got a chatty one, that's way more than Apoc or I heard.
AC: they said they altered the source from INSIDE the universe made up of it?
CL: That seems to be the case, yes.
LL: and there's 4 of them...
LA: That may be coincidence, but then again it may not.
LL: i mean whats up w the 4th one! why don't they want to talk to me! i'm cool! kinda
CL: You're very cool, Zevvie. We don't know what circumstances may prevent them from talking to you yet. We don't even know that three different people contacted me, Tahomaz, and AC.
LA: Maybe they're waiting for the most dramatic moment. If it were us, I know that's what Apoc would do.