You can immediately tell it worked because the sky is a different color out the window. Fuck yes. Oh, and someone is sending you a missive.
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-- [] contacted apocryphalCatalyst [AC]. --
: Hz'p GO
: Kobd vemp ennm nc tdt ijck fhmc
AC: who is this?
: CHN9Jmgj
AC: if this is you playing some kind of game, master, now's not the time.
: Kobd vemp ennm nc tdt ijck fhmc
AC: who is this?
: CHN9Jmgj
AC: if this is you playing some kind of game, master, now's not the time.
-- [] disconnected. --
AC: some congratulations on successfully solving your insane problem in a minute and a half wouldn't go amiss. but whatever.