You spend a pleasant half hour flipping through the concordance and the various volumes of the commentaries before a movement from the source interpreter catches your eye. Someone's sent you a missive.
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-- apocryphalCatalyst [AC] contacted catabasianLodestar [CL]. --
AC: where the fuck is everyone else?
CL: On their way to wherever the angels see fit to send them. Possibly but not exclusively poisonous. And you've come back from your own quest? What did you find?
AC: yeah, zevvie's supposed to let me into the game but they started their thing early and fucked off.
CL: Surely this can't be too great a surprise. It's written, after all.
AC: hilarious. a star is about to fall on my house. you wouldn't happen to know when zevvie's expected back, would you?
CL: I haven't spoken to them at all today, and Tahomaz didn't mention their schedule, though I got the impression they only set out recently.
AC: cool. fuck.
AC: look i'm gonna have to get back to you in a little bit, i need to invent a completely new formula that will make the angels give me control of zevvie's source interpreter.
AC: write you soon if i don't die.
CL: Oh dear. The Enfolding Name and all its angels preserve you.
CL: On their way to wherever the angels see fit to send them. Possibly but not exclusively poisonous. And you've come back from your own quest? What did you find?
AC: yeah, zevvie's supposed to let me into the game but they started their thing early and fucked off.
CL: Surely this can't be too great a surprise. It's written, after all.
AC: hilarious. a star is about to fall on my house. you wouldn't happen to know when zevvie's expected back, would you?
CL: I haven't spoken to them at all today, and Tahomaz didn't mention their schedule, though I got the impression they only set out recently.
AC: cool. fuck.
AC: look i'm gonna have to get back to you in a little bit, i need to invent a completely new formula that will make the angels give me control of zevvie's source interpreter.
AC: write you soon if i don't die.
CL: Oh dear. The Enfolding Name and all its angels preserve you.