You catch Tahomaz up on what you can see on the screen with an amount of detail that would surely be irritating to anyone who'd already seen this sequence half a dozen times. Tahomaz, being ungrateful, tells you to skip to the map.
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CL: It appears to depict a cascade or font on a nearby mountain to the west-northwest of you.
LA: Aw, what.
CL: Does this not satisfy your prediction of great danger?
LA: Not sure. It's sacred to the spirit of Xef Mon, so people don't tend to get that close.
CL: Your village has a... spirit?
LA: Well, the spring the village is named after. I'm not going to get into comparative theology right now, but you can think of it like an angel with a personal interest.
CL: You've had dozens of chances to get into comparative theology before now, and this is exactly the sort of thing I find interesting!
LA: How can I put this delicately...
LA: I just don't want to talk about it with you.
CL: Why not?
LA: I don't think it would be enjoyable. Do you have any theories about the clock? It's the only thing that isn't labelled on here and I forgot to ask Zevvie if Apoc had any insights.
CL: I accept your change of subject for the moment, but I'd like to hear about it later. The clock appears to be running slowly backward, so I theorize that it represents an ongoing regression toward some moment of changing-back.
LA: What time does it show?
CL: A bit after the fifth hour.
LA: Five hours, maybe. Ugh, it's getting dark and I don't even like hiking up and down hills in the daytime. And my aunt still hasn't come home.
CL: It's arav Sabbatz where you are, isn't it? Has the sun set yet?
LA: Mariyam, I'm going to light a lantern whether or not the sun has set. If you don't like it, you can look in your legal rulings to see if there's some kind of exception for angelic quests.
CL: Maybe I was just asking whether you'll be able to see your footing.
LA: Riiight. I'll see you later.
LA: Aw, what.
CL: Does this not satisfy your prediction of great danger?
LA: Not sure. It's sacred to the spirit of Xef Mon, so people don't tend to get that close.
CL: Your village has a... spirit?
LA: Well, the spring the village is named after. I'm not going to get into comparative theology right now, but you can think of it like an angel with a personal interest.
CL: You've had dozens of chances to get into comparative theology before now, and this is exactly the sort of thing I find interesting!
LA: How can I put this delicately...
LA: I just don't want to talk about it with you.
CL: Why not?
LA: I don't think it would be enjoyable. Do you have any theories about the clock? It's the only thing that isn't labelled on here and I forgot to ask Zevvie if Apoc had any insights.
CL: I accept your change of subject for the moment, but I'd like to hear about it later. The clock appears to be running slowly backward, so I theorize that it represents an ongoing regression toward some moment of changing-back.
LA: What time does it show?
CL: A bit after the fifth hour.
LA: Five hours, maybe. Ugh, it's getting dark and I don't even like hiking up and down hills in the daytime. And my aunt still hasn't come home.
CL: It's arav Sabbatz where you are, isn't it? Has the sun set yet?
LA: Mariyam, I'm going to light a lantern whether or not the sun has set. If you don't like it, you can look in your legal rulings to see if there's some kind of exception for angelic quests.
CL: Maybe I was just asking whether you'll be able to see your footing.
LA: Riiight. I'll see you later.
-- lunateAgronomicon [LA] disconnected. --