Your name is MARIYAM SINGER. You are a SCHOLAR OF TA-YRA and the CUSTODIAN OF THE SHUL, where you moved into a spare room as soon as you attained majority. It seemed to you that this was a relief to the head of the orphanage, who found you kind of worrying even if by that point you were dealing pretty well with the INCESSANT PREMONITIONS OF DOOM that periodically plague your sleep. You feel that the REVI was always the closest thing you had to a parent, anyway, and you strive to live up to the honor they did you when they officially adopted you two years ago.
You have a lot of honors to live up to, actually. You're allowed to study far more ADVANCED TEXTS than anyone else your age because you have both the CLEVERNESS and the MORAL ACUITY not to misuse them, and you get to debate with scholars twice your age.
Due to the solemn responsibility of Ta-yra study, you don't have time for a lot of personal hobbies, but you do sometimes SKETCH FROM LIFE when there's a scene you want to capture. At some point when your people still lived on Adma Cadma this was forbidden by law, so you have the CITATIONS ready in case anyone ever tries to get on your case about it. Unfortunately, they mostly just tell you your sketches are pretty good. This is a little disappointing because there's nothing you like more than a good THEOLEGAL ARGUMENT.
However, there's no-one around to argue with just now, and the source interpreter is occupied. What will you do?