They're not always available, since they have to share their source interpreter with a whole school full of people, but you might as well try.
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-- lunateAgronomicon [LA] contacted catabasianLodestar [CL]. --
LA: Are you able to talk right now?
CL: Salaam aleykm. I'm afraid that your young friend is elsewhere. If it's important, though, I can take them a message.
LA: Will they be available to talk any time soon? I'd like to consult them on a matter of some mystical import.
CL: I happen to be a scholar of the mystical as well--perhaps I can answer your questions, as long as they're brief. I have some very important conversations to have.
LA: I appreciate the offer, but I think they might be the only scholar who knows much about source interpreter games.
CL: In that case, I'll send someone to ask.
LA: Thanks. I'll wait.
CL: Salaam aleykm. I'm afraid that your young friend is elsewhere. If it's important, though, I can take them a message.
LA: Will they be available to talk any time soon? I'd like to consult them on a matter of some mystical import.
CL: I happen to be a scholar of the mystical as well--perhaps I can answer your questions, as long as they're brief. I have some very important conversations to have.
LA: I appreciate the offer, but I think they might be the only scholar who knows much about source interpreter games.
CL: In that case, I'll send someone to ask.
LA: Thanks. I'll wait.