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-- lupineLightfoot [LL] contacted lunateAgronomicon [LA]. --
LL: hey maz when you get back to ur source interpreter pls say hi!
LL: or if someone else sees this can u please go get maz?
LA: Hi, Zevvie.
LL: omg ok hi
LA: It sounds like something's going on?
LL: yeahhh this game is already kinda crazy, ac had to get a weird suit and go out in poison world
LA: Um, what?
LL: right lol QwQ
LL: we made a bridge and the angels gave me this map that's like "apoc! go see this weird ball thing outside ur city!" except apoc lives in a dome city cos shada isn't rlly good to live on so they had to go get a weird suit i HOPE will protect them and now they're going to the weird ball thing
LA: From what Apoc has told me, I thought this game was supposed to take place mostly between source interpreters. I didn't think there was an element of real-life questing.
LL: yeah idk!!
LL: but um
LL: so i'm sposed to bridge to u next but i'm rlly worried that i'm also gonna get a map that tells me to go outside my city
LA: That would be hard. Alez Aharoe is famously very big.
LL: right,, except i live kinda near the harbor... ok we should just make the bridge actually haha i was gonna ask if your future visions said anything about where my map goes but i guess we can just look at the map
LA: Do you believe all the stuff Apoc says about my dreams?
LL: do u not??
LL: they're like the smartest sourceror ever
LA: I guess so. It's just that I've never heard of anyone having mystic visions or angelic communication by accident. And Apoc thinks that Skaia, the planet I dream about, is somehow the Book of Eternity, so it would be kind of a big deal if I was seeing it.
LL: what's the book of eternity?
LA: Mariyam and Apoc seriously haven't ever talked to you about it? It's their favorite subject to argue about. They've been at a deadlock for years because neither of them will back down, and they both complain about each other to me. I'm honestly a little tired of it but they never seem to get tired of having the same debate.
LL: um well maybe i wasn't listening haha but mostly they don't try to tell me smart ppl stuff bcos i don't get it
LA: Well, the Book of Eternity is a theoretical book written down by an angelic scribe and supposedly revealed to an old scholar in the early days of Asseil Haddish.
LL: is this the rabik again
LA: No, some guy called Cantor. This was a little bit before the Rabik's time, right after the colony was established. They said Scansis told them that everything that would ever happen was already written down. As far as I can tell both Apoc and Mariyam think it's stupid, but Apoc claims they believe it because they've seen the planet-book. That doesn't make a ton of sense to me, and most scholars seem to agree that the Rabik was the first person to ever directly speak with Scansis, so I think Cantor was full of it.
LL: so... u think ac made it up?
LA: I think they're up to their eyeballs in mystical esoterica and they have just enough ravinic training to connect any two existing things and sound extremely smart doing it.
LL: i guess...
LL: um what were we talking about?
LA: You were asking why I don't believe them about my dreams. It's not that it couldn't happen. Literally anything is possible with the power of the True Word. It just seems kind of far-fetched, doesn't it?
LL: idk if the stars can use their beams to make crops grow better idk why the angels couldn't show you a book that tells the future, nobody rlly knows why they do anything
LL: ...um you've been writing for a really long time, you're not writing out a whole lecture are you?
LL: normally i love to listen even tho i'm not smart enough to get it!! but right now i'm kinda worried about the map...
LA: That's not what astrology is about. A lot of people think of it as recording the "influences" of the stars but it's actually just a set of correspondences whereby conditions change cyclically as the Source Clock runs forward. Watching the movement of the stars just helps us directly obser
LA: All right, fine. What should I do?
LL: sorry Q_Q
LL: ask the angels for URWORLD.x and run it
LL: or if someone else sees this can u please go get maz?
LA: Hi, Zevvie.
LL: omg ok hi
LA: It sounds like something's going on?
LL: yeahhh this game is already kinda crazy, ac had to get a weird suit and go out in poison world
LA: Um, what?
LL: right lol QwQ
LL: we made a bridge and the angels gave me this map that's like "apoc! go see this weird ball thing outside ur city!" except apoc lives in a dome city cos shada isn't rlly good to live on so they had to go get a weird suit i HOPE will protect them and now they're going to the weird ball thing
LA: From what Apoc has told me, I thought this game was supposed to take place mostly between source interpreters. I didn't think there was an element of real-life questing.
LL: yeah idk!!
LL: but um
LL: so i'm sposed to bridge to u next but i'm rlly worried that i'm also gonna get a map that tells me to go outside my city
LA: That would be hard. Alez Aharoe is famously very big.
LL: right,, except i live kinda near the harbor... ok we should just make the bridge actually haha i was gonna ask if your future visions said anything about where my map goes but i guess we can just look at the map
LA: Do you believe all the stuff Apoc says about my dreams?
LL: do u not??
LL: they're like the smartest sourceror ever
LA: I guess so. It's just that I've never heard of anyone having mystic visions or angelic communication by accident. And Apoc thinks that Skaia, the planet I dream about, is somehow the Book of Eternity, so it would be kind of a big deal if I was seeing it.
LL: what's the book of eternity?
LA: Mariyam and Apoc seriously haven't ever talked to you about it? It's their favorite subject to argue about. They've been at a deadlock for years because neither of them will back down, and they both complain about each other to me. I'm honestly a little tired of it but they never seem to get tired of having the same debate.
LL: um well maybe i wasn't listening haha but mostly they don't try to tell me smart ppl stuff bcos i don't get it
LA: Well, the Book of Eternity is a theoretical book written down by an angelic scribe and supposedly revealed to an old scholar in the early days of Asseil Haddish.
LL: is this the rabik again
LA: No, some guy called Cantor. This was a little bit before the Rabik's time, right after the colony was established. They said Scansis told them that everything that would ever happen was already written down. As far as I can tell both Apoc and Mariyam think it's stupid, but Apoc claims they believe it because they've seen the planet-book. That doesn't make a ton of sense to me, and most scholars seem to agree that the Rabik was the first person to ever directly speak with Scansis, so I think Cantor was full of it.
LL: so... u think ac made it up?
LA: I think they're up to their eyeballs in mystical esoterica and they have just enough ravinic training to connect any two existing things and sound extremely smart doing it.
LL: i guess...
LL: um what were we talking about?
LA: You were asking why I don't believe them about my dreams. It's not that it couldn't happen. Literally anything is possible with the power of the True Word. It just seems kind of far-fetched, doesn't it?
LL: idk if the stars can use their beams to make crops grow better idk why the angels couldn't show you a book that tells the future, nobody rlly knows why they do anything
LL: ...um you've been writing for a really long time, you're not writing out a whole lecture are you?
LL: normally i love to listen even tho i'm not smart enough to get it!! but right now i'm kinda worried about the map...
LA: That's not what astrology is about. A lot of people think of it as recording the "influences" of the stars but it's actually just a set of correspondences whereby conditions change cyclically as the Source Clock runs forward. Watching the movement of the stars just helps us directly obser
LA: All right, fine. What should I do?
LL: sorry Q_Q
LL: ask the angels for URWORLD.x and run it