Hey. Your name's TAHOMAZ FARMER when the census-taker is in town, or just TAHOMAZ otherwise. You love PUZZLES, RIDDLES, and RESEARCHES, and you'll do anything to get out of hard physical labor, which is unfortunate since as previously discussed you are a FARMER. When you were a kid it meant you did a lot of MENDING (you're still obliged to fix a lot of clothing). Then a couple years ago you convinced your aunt to get an ASTROLOGICAL ALMANACK, then a source interpreter, and then you became your village's de facto AGRONOMANCER, all to avoid doing any actual farming.
You still have to do chores, though, because as your aunt reminds you constantly you're the only one in the house with two legs that bend and they're getting on in years. You're actually avoiding doing your evening chores right now in the hope that some of the NUMEROUS COUSINS who are coming over for arav Sabbatz will get conscripted into doing them instead. What will you do while you wait?