So STAREYES is this awesome wolf, noble yet lonesome, who was EXILED from their pack after they were framed for murder and over the course of their EPIC QUEST they meet a bunch of angels and the spirits of wolf sages that help them use MYSTIC POWERS like summoning avalanches with one pure howl or running on moonlight. And eventually they'll found a new pack of other misfits at STAR MOUNTAIN, which is this sorta angelic mountain (it's complicated) that can move around and stuff. But then the Star Mountain pack has to fight these SHADOW WOLVES, which you came up with one time when your friend was telling you about the NAMELESS DEMONIC HUSKS AT THE EDGES OF THE UNIVERSE that apparently are real or something? Sounds scary, but that's a problem for scholars and revis and will in no way ever impact you personally. Anyway these shadow wolves are like wolves who traded their names for awesome darkness powers or something, you're still working on that part.
You've also drawn what Stareyes and Blaze and Swiftwind might look like if they were people, like human people kinda but not really. It's mostly an excuse to lovingly render their hard lean muscles and magnificent manes. You... haven't shown these to anyone. Some of your friends don't think your wolves are that weird, but they'd think you're a TOTAL FREAK if they knew about your muscle wolves. Oh, Stareyes. Truly Zevvie is one of your misfits as well.