OK!! Your name is ZEVENZI CARVER. You're apprenticed to a MASTER CARVER who was kind enough to take you in when you were just a TEENY BABY ORPHAN. Or at least that's what you assume. Getting your master to say much of anything that's not directly related to carving is like pulling teeth, and your SENIOR APPRENTICES don't actually know where you came from either. Maybe you're secretly royalty or something??
Since your bedroom is basically just a cupboard with a bed in it, the front of your master's shop will do for your introduction. You keep your favorite things on you at all times just in case!! You set out your prized MUSCLE WOLF STATUETTE to admire, and tastefully arrange your SKETCHES OF WOLF-BASED NARRATIVES around it. You're not smart like all your friends, but you're ok at ART at least! You're also pretty good at CLIMBING since you help install finished work on rooves. Sometimes you just sit up high, because you like to imagine you're in a CHIVALRIC TALE and maybe SOMEONE MYSTERIOUS is about to show up and tell you only you can save the King's cursed heir because you're SECRETLY SIBLINGS and they'll find you on the roof looking NOBLE YET LONESOME and somehow DIFFERENT FROM EVERYONE ELSE. Your GOLDEN EYES, the only feature you really like on yourself, would prove it.
But, um, obviously that's not going to happen. You're NOT ACTUALLY SPECIAL, and your origins are probably AS BORING AS THEY ARE MYSTERIOUS. You do have a little time to yourself, though! Today is SABBATZ, the one day of the week when you don't have to work, you're the only apprentice who actually lives here, and your master has gone off somewhere. So you're alone in the shop!
What will you do?