You happily watch your hunter tracking the bad shades through the code for a while before your phone chimes. Oh yay! It's Yuwen!
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-- chroniclesVindication [CV] contacted carvingCarrion [CC]. --
CV: Kuviu, are you aware that your planet is on fire?
CC: um noo
CV: It will take a few hours to spread to the level where you are, but you won't have as much time as I thought.
CC: dang
CC: idk how long itll take but ill stay as long as i can
CC: hows ur thing going
CV: Perhaps I shouldn't be distracting you.
CC: no lol i cant code at all i made a sewolf 2 do it 4 me
CV: What?
CC: water powers mean u can make a guy!
CC: its tracking the rbs thru the code i guess
CV: Do Water powers include turning your problems into metaphors so they can be solved figuratively?
CC: hehe mbe
CC: i think its like a thing abt how living things r mostly made of water mbe
CC: but how ru
CV: Well, the evacuation efforts are on track to finish in time.
CC: uh oh
CV: I stopped to talk to my Denizen. He... he claims he didn't mean to trick me, that he's just some kind of clockwork contrivance for delivering information, but the effect is the same. He promised he would tell me how to find Ajact, but what he gave me was useless.
CC: wdym
CC: we thot she was jst sleeping sumwhere rite
CV: I don't
CV: She still could be. I'll use my remaining time to keep looking for her. You should concentrate on your escape plan.
CC: ok thats another thing i was wondering abt
CC: when i finish editing the code how am i sposed 2 run it if running it erases the universe or w e
CC: im in the universe
CV: How many lines of code does the game contain?
CC: uhh the last line in the main file is 979 but i think theres other code 2
CV: How many instances of the ( character?
CC: uh 2043
CV: Roughly two million lines just in the top two layers, then. I don't know what kind of compiler URWORLD uses, but it won't be instantaneous. When you finish editing, use the compile-and-run command and then take the channel out through my Land. It's not on fire yet and it's pretty close to Derse, which is where we'll meet my voidsailer.
CC: whew that sounds ok
CC: so how r we getting to ?another universe?
CV: I'm investigating that right now.
CC: ok yay
CC: i wont bother u anymore so u can focus on that then
CC: cu soon!
CC: um noo
CV: It will take a few hours to spread to the level where you are, but you won't have as much time as I thought.
CC: dang
CC: idk how long itll take but ill stay as long as i can
CC: hows ur thing going
CV: Perhaps I shouldn't be distracting you.
CC: no lol i cant code at all i made a sewolf 2 do it 4 me
CV: What?
CC: water powers mean u can make a guy!
CC: its tracking the rbs thru the code i guess
CV: Do Water powers include turning your problems into metaphors so they can be solved figuratively?
CC: hehe mbe
CC: i think its like a thing abt how living things r mostly made of water mbe
CC: but how ru
CV: Well, the evacuation efforts are on track to finish in time.
CC: uh oh
CV: I stopped to talk to my Denizen. He... he claims he didn't mean to trick me, that he's just some kind of clockwork contrivance for delivering information, but the effect is the same. He promised he would tell me how to find Ajact, but what he gave me was useless.
CC: wdym
CC: we thot she was jst sleeping sumwhere rite
CV: I don't
CV: She still could be. I'll use my remaining time to keep looking for her. You should concentrate on your escape plan.
CC: ok thats another thing i was wondering abt
CC: when i finish editing the code how am i sposed 2 run it if running it erases the universe or w e
CC: im in the universe
CV: How many lines of code does the game contain?
CC: uhh the last line in the main file is 979 but i think theres other code 2
CV: How many instances of the ( character?
CC: uh 2043
CV: Roughly two million lines just in the top two layers, then. I don't know what kind of compiler URWORLD uses, but it won't be instantaneous. When you finish editing, use the compile-and-run command and then take the channel out through my Land. It's not on fire yet and it's pretty close to Derse, which is where we'll meet my voidsailer.
CC: whew that sounds ok
CC: so how r we getting to ?another universe?
CV: I'm investigating that right now.
CC: ok yay
CC: i wont bother u anymore so u can focus on that then
CC: cu soon!