Well, OK. You can check your older messages, which you hardly ever do because the menu is kind of hard to get to on your phone, on the off chance that a higher being did text you and you just forgot.
...Oh, this is embarrassing.
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-- [] contacted carvingCarrion [CC]. --
: Hi, Kuviu. You're going to need this one day. It will help you save Pnimm.
: [SourceManual.f]
CC: ok
CC: who ru n whos pnimm
CC: idk any of my online fridnds names i just made this 2 talk 2 va
: I'm one of your allies, in your future.
: Pnimm has the intername animatedArthropology.
CC: oh cool ill say hi sumtime
CC: but like who ru what stuff do u like
: I actually just spent too long writing this guide and my friends are in danger. I'll have to get back to you later.
CC: coool
CC: ok dont die n we cn hang later!
: [SourceManual.f]
CC: ok
CC: who ru n whos pnimm
CC: idk any of my online fridnds names i just made this 2 talk 2 va
: I'm one of your allies, in your future.
: Pnimm has the intername animatedArthropology.
CC: oh cool ill say hi sumtime
CC: but like who ru what stuff do u like
: I actually just spent too long writing this guide and my friends are in danger. I'll have to get back to you later.
CC: coool
CC: ok dont die n we cn hang later!
-- [] disconnected. --