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AA: One thing that could be a clue I guess
AA: There's a drawing in the rock next to me that looks like maybe I drew it with my finger
LA: Can you describe it? The angels can't see into where you are right now.
AA: Hang on I think I can do this
AA: It's like
( `. \
`-. `.
,-' ,'
( .' /
LA: That's some impressive typographical diagramming! It's the symbol for the Wind Aspect.
AA: Oh
AA: Do you think that's actually a clue or just something I was doodling
LA: I think it's a clue to what you wanted when you were all scrambled. You wanted to find your friend who's the Dreamer of Wind, and you might have been the only person who could have.
AA: ?
LA: Part of what I separated out from you was the substance of the Furthest Ring. Now I think I understand why you told me this--when something is lost, that's where it goes. It sounded like you had been scrying, because you were real frustrated you couldn't find anything. There were too many erased universes all jumbled together, an uncountable number of them.
AA: There's a drawing in the rock next to me that looks like maybe I drew it with my finger
LA: Can you describe it? The angels can't see into where you are right now.
AA: Hang on I think I can do this
AA: It's like
( `. \
`-. `.
,-' ,'
( .' /
LA: That's some impressive typographical diagramming! It's the symbol for the Wind Aspect.
AA: Oh
AA: Do you think that's actually a clue or just something I was doodling
LA: I think it's a clue to what you wanted when you were all scrambled. You wanted to find your friend who's the Dreamer of Wind, and you might have been the only person who could have.
AA: ?
LA: Part of what I separated out from you was the substance of the Furthest Ring. Now I think I understand why you told me this--when something is lost, that's where it goes. It sounded like you had been scrying, because you were real frustrated you couldn't find anything. There were too many erased universes all jumbled together, an uncountable number of them.