That's a good idea, Mari knows all about mystic-y stuff.
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-- carvingCarrion [CC] contacted catabasianLodestar [CL]. --
CC: hey mari cn i ask a question
CL: One moment.
CL: Of course, Kuviu. I'll do my best to answer.
CC: what r higher beings
CC: my denizen said theyd help me read source code but idk what they r or how 2 contact them
CL: I'm not entirely sure. You must have gained that knowledge, but you never told me how, and I don't know "higher beings."
CC: n u have no idea how 2 talk 2 angels without a source interpter huh
CL: They don't speak in our languages, and their language isn't one it's possible to speak at all, in some senses.
CC: what if the higher beings arent angels
CL: Whatever they are, they did help you to purge the poison in your session.
CC: sigh
CC: i was rly hoping ud know
CL: I'm sorry to say that I don't. Do you know yet how you're going to leave your Medium?
CC: uh
CC: im hoping yuwen knows bc i dont!!
CL: An. I should stop distracting you. You can do this, Kuviu. We'll see each other soon, hm?
CC: rite
CC: yeah thisll go great!!
CL: One moment.
CL: Of course, Kuviu. I'll do my best to answer.
CC: what r higher beings
CC: my denizen said theyd help me read source code but idk what they r or how 2 contact them
CL: I'm not entirely sure. You must have gained that knowledge, but you never told me how, and I don't know "higher beings."
CC: n u have no idea how 2 talk 2 angels without a source interpter huh
CL: They don't speak in our languages, and their language isn't one it's possible to speak at all, in some senses.
CC: what if the higher beings arent angels
CL: Whatever they are, they did help you to purge the poison in your session.
CC: sigh
CC: i was rly hoping ud know
CL: I'm sorry to say that I don't. Do you know yet how you're going to leave your Medium?
CC: uh
CC: im hoping yuwen knows bc i dont!!
CL: An. I should stop distracting you. You can do this, Kuviu. We'll see each other soon, hm?
CC: rite
CC: yeah thisll go great!!
-- carvingCarrion [CC] disconnected. --