The ship slowly, ponderously takes to the skies. One of Kuviu's shopkeepers asks if it has a name. You say of course it does, it's named after the first ironclad warship launched by Feynmark, during the 7833-7852 Feynish-Cuthite war. It's called the Sulphur Moraine. You pause to consider the implications of naming an evacuation vessel after a famous warship, and then amend: actually it's called the Queen Sulphur Moraine. Then you explain (since these people seem to reproduce solely in vitro) that a queen is the progenitor of a nation, a giver of life rather than a taker of life. The shopkeepers seem to approve.
But regardless of how good your ship's name is, it won't matter if you don't actually pick anyone up. Where will you go first?