Isn't your shade supposed to be you? This isn't you. This is that creep who was sitting outside the door while you were passed out in the Veil.
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AJACTSHADE: listen, ajact, you don't know me, but before you do anything permanent you should have the facts.
AJACT: so this is some kind of transcendence test.
AJACT: yeah I know who you are. you're one of those skeezy archaeologists who may or may not have betrayed my guardian and my aunt.
AJACTSHADE: how could you possibly know that?
AJACT: this is so dumb, you're a game construct. you're like, pretending not to know shit for this test? what are you even testing? my patience?
AJACTSHADE: I'm trying to test your ability to listen to the things I'm saying, and kid, you're failing like a motherfucker.
AJACT: what did zevvie say this was supposed to be about? you're the part of me that wants to hurt myself?
AJACTSHADE: I'm starting to be. look, just let me talk for a--
AJACT: well if this is supposed to make me not want to kill you you're doing a sucky job.
AJACT: so this is some kind of transcendence test.
AJACT: yeah I know who you are. you're one of those skeezy archaeologists who may or may not have betrayed my guardian and my aunt.
AJACTSHADE: how could you possibly know that?
AJACT: this is so dumb, you're a game construct. you're like, pretending not to know shit for this test? what are you even testing? my patience?
AJACTSHADE: I'm trying to test your ability to listen to the things I'm saying, and kid, you're failing like a motherfucker.
AJACT: what did zevvie say this was supposed to be about? you're the part of me that wants to hurt myself?
AJACTSHADE: I'm starting to be. look, just let me talk for a--
AJACT: well if this is supposed to make me not want to kill you you're doing a sucky job.